Doggie Teeth: How Do You Know If They Have a Toothache?

Doggie Teeth: How Do You Know If They Have a Toothache?
Dogs can get very expressive but sometimes, their moods can get a little shifty and hard to read.

When your dog is in pain, they may howl, leaving you not knowing what’s wrong, and they keep you going back and forth to the vet.

But there are warning signs that you can rely on when your dogs get sick, especially when they are experiencing a great deal of pain such as a toothache.

About 85 percent of canines over the age of 4 suffer from some form of gum disease and other dental concerns like tooth infection or dental abscess. Unfortunately, it’s not very easy to tell if they’re in discomfort right away.

In terms of evolutionary history, showing signs of weakness leaves canines vulnerable to attack so you need to look for changes in their routine.

Understanding Your Dog’s Mouth

Dogs might have tougher teeth, but that doesn’t mean that they’re indestructible! They are also prone to gum disease and five times more vulnerable to it compared to humans. The reason is the dog’s alkaline mouth, which promotes plaque formation. There is a bigger possibility of gum disease because dogs’ teeth aren’t brushed daily.

The reason a dog’s mouth is more prone to plaque is because of saliva, food debris, oral bacteria, other things stuck in the mouth that weren’t removed successfully. If the teeth are not brushed daily, this plaque will only thicken, and bacteria will multiply and cause pain for your dog. Invest in dental chews and dog treats which will not only keep them entertained but also help secure their oral health.

Common Causes of Dental Problems

The most common culprits of dental discomfort among dogs include:
  1. Loose teeth
  2. Misaligned teeth
  3. Periodontal disease
  4. Tooth trauma
  5. Tooth root abscess

Dogs Rarely Show Dental Pain

Always be observant, and check your dog’s mouth whenever you can since dogs rarely show pain. Dogs might just keep on eating and wagging their tail at treats even when their teeth are broken or their gums are damaged.

Only 5 percent of doggy patients showed signs of pain and were rushed immediately, and 80 percent of the dogs had periodontal disease by three years old.
16 Signs that Your Dog Has a Toothache

Advanced Signs of Dental Problems

Some oral problems can go unnoticed for a while and get worse. Check for these symptoms so you’ll know the necessary steps in avoiding them:
  1. Red or bleeding gums
  2. Loose teeth
  3. Blood on their chew toys or any areas they like biting
  4. Stinky breath
  5. Not wanting you to touch its head
  6. Lumps or bumps found near or in the mouth
  7. Bloody spit
  8. Nasal discharge and sneezing
  9. Discolored, broken, or loose teeth

Caring for Your Dog’s Teeth

Caring for your dog’s teeth is like caring for your own—there are precautions and practices needed to be done to keep them in good health. Vets suggest annual oral examinations including dental x-rays and a full oral exam.

This will include a thorough checkup of the gums and proper cleaning. A thorough check is the only way your vet can look below the gum line, where usually the gum diseases hide. General anesthesia is ideal, so your vet can check for pockets around the teeth and effectively remove calculus and tartar above and below the gumline. Of course, these types of regular vet visits come at a cost, which is why getting an insurance plan for your dog is a fantastic investment.

After this, there should be daily toothbrushing. There are a lot of good toothpaste and brush brands that won’t make the pup feel uncomfy so that it enjoys brushing time. With patience, you can pave the way to a healthy and pain-free mouth for your dog.

Always give it hard and safe toys to chew on, specifically hard rubbery toys or bones. Make sure the treats you give them are safe and high-quality, and consult a vet for an ideal dental diet for your dog.

While your dog might prefer wet food, dried food is also ideal since it does help in brushing your dog’s teeth while it chews.

Final Word

If you think your pooch is acting a little bit off, it’s possible that there’s an underlying health condition bothering them.

Pay attention to the signs and have them checked by a professional before the problem gets worse.