Product SEO for Ecommerce, Getting Your Products Ranked

Service businesses and e-commerce websites tend to approach SEO slightly differently.
While content is all the rage, it’s hard to do a 2,000-word post about “blue socks” in order to get it ranked. So what is the best way to do product page SEO?
Let’s dive right in.
1. Do Your Research First and Foremost
Before you begin optimizing your website for what you think you should call your products, the first step is always through keyword research.What you call your products may not be what your customers call it. Not only that, there may be variations of the product that you may not be thinking of.
On top of that, make sure you are including colors, sizes, and all other possible description searches in your research. This is something your competitors are most like not doing and it will give you the edge in the ranking.
2. Content Still Matters
Just because you won’t be going into a 2,000-word rant about your product, doesn’t mean the content is out the window.Ecommerce SEO is still about content creation and optimization. Make sure to take your time on the product description and be as in-depth as possible. You want to make sure to include the keywords from the research but don’t overdo it.
You should be writing it as a sales copy that is meant for the customer first and foremost. Traffic won’t do much if you aren’t converting it.
3. Optimize Your Images
Most of the time, image searches get very little attention.However, when it comes to e-commerce products, images matter. Not only is it important to have good images for to sell your customers, but you also want to optimize them for your keywords to make sure you pop-up in image search when someone searches for your product type.
The way to do this is to include the keyword in the “alt-tag” of the image. This tell the search engines what the image is about.
4. Speed
Yet another thing that is good for both the conversions and the search engines, that thing is site speed.Google looks at the speed of the site as a ranking factor as well as the bounce rate. If the site loads to slow and users leave before the see the product, that’s two marks against you.
Make sure to use a tool like GTmetrix or Checkistan to measure your site speed and fix any issues that there may be.
5. Security
Google and your customers want to make sure that their information is safe in your hands.If your website isn’t secure, then that’s a clear signal to both that it is not. This can also hurt your SEO.
Make sure that your website is back by an SSL certificate and has “https” status.
6. Responsiveness
These days close to 50% of all organic traffic is mobile. This means Google puts a heavyweight on the responsiveness of a site for its rankings.In the end, they’re just looking to deliver the best search results, and if your website doesn’t’ fit to what half of the searchers are using, you will not show up for your target keywords.
7. Build Links
Last, and definitely the most important, is link building.Google uses links from other sites as a vote for that particular page. So to rank over your competitors, simply build more links to your content.
Reach out to other websites and create relevant content around your products. Provide that content for free to the other websites in exchange for a link to yours.
If you do this long enough, you will see the fruits of that labor pay off heavily.
Implement and Grow!
Take these tips to optimize your products and grow your e-commerce business to the next level!No matter your product, these are simple to execute tips that can make a big difference in your endeavor.