Apple Search Engine News, Launch Date, Name and more

Apple Search Engine News, Launch Date, Name and more

Apple search engine is the new thing in the tech-world while everybody is in love with Google's search engine, as people even test their internet speed and check whether the internet is working or not by visiting the Google homepage.

Google is currently the #1 search engine worldwide and then we have DuckDuckGo, the veteran Yahoo! and Bing is also there and a search engine killer ChatGPT is a brand new option for netizens to get answers for any query they may have.

Still, Apple is working on its own search engine (at least in rumours).

As Suganthan Mohanadasan, a digital marketing consultant shared that

“A ridiculous number of times” on my clients’ websites in recent weeks. “When the crawl rate increases, that tells us they are trying to gather more information.”

This is a statement that shows the lab-testing of the Apple search engine that could replace Google as the default search engine in iOS devices. More importantly, we gathered some reports of Apple using the built-in search engine without any announcements and sending users to websites without involving any search engine. This happens when an iPhone user does a search after swiping right on the iPhone's home screen, it shows Apple's search engine results, not Google's web results with a more clean and easy UI.

It even directs the user to websites in search results without redirecting to Google or any other search engine which shows that Apple silently introduced its own search engine on iPhone and they are testing it with AI to make a search engine that is not browser-based.

Apple's search engine even shows auto search suggestions and this could be the result of Applebot that is showing high activity.

With a database of over 1 billion iPhone users, Apple is capable of doing such tests at a big rate that could result in making the world's best and 2nd largest search engine that is not just a web search engine but an AI-powered search engine by the tech giant Apple Inc. with the trust of Apple users. 

Apple Search Engine News

On October 28, 2020, FT reported: Apple develops an alternative to Google search engine that is widely released to iPhone users and is there at iPhone's “Today View” when a user swipe right on iPhone Home Screen and search for something, it uses the Apple search engine that directs users to web-pages without redirecting them to Google or any other search engine.

Apple Search Engine Launch Date

There has been news surrounding the web in 2014, that Apple is working on its new search engine, but now, the search engine is actually being used by iPhone users without them knowing that it could be Apple's new search engine in rival to Google. Still, the launch date of the Apple search engine is not announced by Apple officials.

Rumors are saying that the launch date of Apple's web search engine could be: September 9, 2024.

Apple Search Engine Name

Without an official announcement, we can't name Apple's own search engine. However, it could be like:

  • iSearch
  • AppleSearch
  • Safari Search
  • SearchPro
  • MacSearch
  • Siri Search

Or you can imagine a name such as Apple Find and more.

Why Apple Needs to Develop Its Own Search Engine?

Despite the fact that Google is paying around $10 billion every year for making its search engine to be the default search engine for iPhone, Apple is developing its own search engine and it could be a result of observations and reports of the US antitrust authorities.

Apple's crawler activity and changes to Home Screen searches in iOS 14 shows that Apple is about to launch its own search engine that will replace Google for sure.

If you have any thoughts on this, you can comment below.