6 Tips for New College Students

6 Tips for New College Students
Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

You’ve secured your place in college and you can’t wait to leave home and spread your wings. But hold on, while college life is a great opportunity to learn about yourself, make new friends and have all kinds of new experiences, you also need to have some clear strategies to ensure that your first year goes well. So, check out our six tips for anyone who’s attending college for the first time.

1. Choose the right accommodation

Many colleges offer on campus accommodation to first year students to give them a chance to settle in. There are many benefits to being on campus, such as being with fellow new students and being close to your classes and lectures. However, for some students choosing to live in an off campus apartment may be a better option, especially if you are a mature student or have plenty of experience of looking after yourself.

2. Be sure to attend your classes

You know that you need to attend classes, right? But some days it will be very tempting to sleep in, especially after a hard night of partying. However, when you miss one class it’s easy to miss another and before you know it, you’ll be under pressure to bring up your GPA.

3. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

In the early days it’s easy to over-schedule and take on too much. In the long run, this will lead to pressure and stress and may even lead to you dropping out of college altogether. It’s much better to be realistic about what you can handle course-wise and it’s much better to finish a semester late than to not finish it at all.

4. Get involved

Whether you’ve chosen to attend college in your own state or you’re traveling out of state, the quickest way to settle in and make new friends is to get involved. Join new clubs, try out for the sports team, volunteer for on-campus groups. You’ll not only meet new people, but you’ll expand your interests too – and have something to add to your résumé. You may also want to consider joining a sorority or fraternity – it’s a great way to network and gain access to resources, such as notes, reports and old tests.

5. Keep in contact with friends and family

We know that college is an exciting time but don’t neglect your existing relationships with family and friends. No doubt they gave you the support and encouragement you needed to get here in the first place. Plus, in years to come, you’ll be happy that you stayed in touch with your friends from home.

6. Understand the importance of time management

If you want to make the most of college life, you really do need to learn the art of time management and how to prioritize and balance the demands on your time. You need to find time for classes, private study, tests, social events, activities, trips … the list is endless. Learning how to manage your time quickly will not only help you to find a balance in your life but will hold you in good stead when you make the transition from college to work.

Going to college will be one of the biggest and most important life adventures you’ll experience so doesn't it make sense to do everything you can to make the transition period as smooth and enjoyable as possible? Follow the above tips and you’ll do just that.