6 Strategies for the Best Facebook Ads

6 Strategies for the Best Facebook Ads
Photo by Luca Sammarco from Pexels

Over 1 billion people use Facebook actively. This is a colossal audience for marketers in both B2B and B2C fields. If your company is planning to advertise on Facebook, a solid strategy is a must. Follow our tips to create ads with an impact.

The technical side of things is quite straightforward. Services like Aitarget will let you launch campaigns, manage them automatically and scale your business on the platform. Without fail, Facebook is one of the best advertising channels today. But what should your ads look like?

1. Make the Most of Facebook Targeting And Adapt

The content on your website should target a broad audience (e.g., US citizens), but on Facebook, the perception will be different. You need to write as if you were addressing just one person — the user you want to woo. Focus on their needs. Here is an example: females over 35 who live in the United States and are passionate about wellness. This narrows down the audience by gender, age, and interests. You should write targeted ads for this specific narrow segment.

2. Write Different Ads for Different People

This follows from the first point. As your customers include different groups and demographics, these people will turn to your brand for different reasons. For example, a retailer may sell clothes to males, females, and kids, along with bath and body products. Each of their potential customers will be interested in a specific component of their offerings.

3. Make Sure the Ad Copy Matches the Visual

Many companies regardless of size, particularly in the B2B arena, do not have ready-made visuals for ads. When the time comes, marketers scramble to find an appropriate image. The result may not match the copy.

This creates cognitive dissonance. Users do not understand what your ad is about, so they do not click on it. Your money is wasted. For example, if the text mentions a chocolate brownie and latte, make sure they are visualized in the photos.

4. Have Just One Call-to-Action

Any ad should have one call to action, clear and simple. The user must understand where they should click, or what they should do. For example, if you have a retail store, “shop now” will encourage users to browse its collection and make a purchase.

5. Keep it Short and Focus on Value

Do not try to cram in as much information as possible. Yes, explaining your product is necessary. At the same time, your description must be brief and focused on the benefits. What is the value of the product? How will it help the user? These are the aspects to cover. Make sure these points are explained clearly and concisely.

6. Use Simple Language

Use language that everybody can understand. This is advertising, not high literature. Even a fifth grader should be able to decipher your message.

The user should immediately see what you are selling, how it can benefit them, and what they should do to get it. For example, a company that helps with student loan refinancing could use a copy like: “pay off your student loans faster — apply now”. One phrase is enough to explain the product, state the benefits, and call to action.

Final Tip: Always Test Your Ad Copy

Without testing, you cannot understand if the ad is really effective. Fortunately, Facebook allows you to try things out for a modest fee. Run a couple of ads at the same time. Include the same image, but different text (for example, ask a question in version 1 and make a statement in version 2) Then, compare the number of likes, comments, and conversations. Which of the versions resonates with your audience the most?