Content Distribution Is an Important Element of a Content Marketing Strategy

Content Distribution Is an Important Element of a Content Marketing Strategy
Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Content marketing is gaining momentum all the time. For this reason, more and more companies decide to implement this type of tools in their promotion strategy. Content marketing not only helps to build brand awareness, but is also considered the sweet spot for adblocks and banners.

It should be added that content marketing is a promotion tool for both small and large enterprises. While it has become the foundation for many marketers, it isn't always backed up by a well thought out strategy.

Research including the Content Marketing Institute shows that up to 63% of companies do not have a documented strategy. This, in turn, should take into account the goals of the given brand, the nature of the industry in which it operates, and respond to the needs of its recipients. Only strategic actions will allow the company to achieve the desired results.

The key in the content creation process is to correctly identify the target group and send the right personalized message. However, one more element must not be forgotten, namely, the correct choice of distribution channels. Many marketers mistakenly believe that good content will protect itself. Even quality blog articles, ebooks, or podcasts won't do their job unless they reach the right audience. Therefore, you should choose your content distribution channels carefully.

Content distribution channels

Undoubtedly, the choice of content distribution channels should be preceded by a detailed analysis, for example, analysis by hentailamcom by the service. Typically, content marketing activities are mainly related to corporate blogging. The selected promotion channels should be, first of all, the place of activity of their target group. Basically, there are three types of content marketing channels:

Own media (own channels) - including company blog, own website, brand profiles on social media, proprietary apps. Although a particular brand has a lot of freedom in choosing the format of the published content and its content, it must ensure that these channels reach a wide audience. This requires long term action like positioning and SEO copywriting.

Paid media (paid channels) - sponsored articles, collaborations with influencers, press releases on expert portals, that is, all content that a company has to pay to create and publish. It is ideal for brands that want to reach specific target groups. While there are financial costs involved in using these channels, such actions allow companies to expand their user base and often take care of their image.

Earned media (acquired channels) is a message generated by external parties or by the Internet users themselves. Various mentions of a company or its product or service may appear in reviews, ratings, comments and opinions, for example, on social networks. Despite the high authority and variety of content that appears in external channels, the brand does not influence the process of its creation. Therefore, they can have both positive and negative connotations.

How to choose the right promotion channel?

There is no definitive proven answer to this question. The choice of channels for distributing content depends on many factors. They should be the place where the target group is present. Therefore, it is important not only the specifics of the industry and the definition of brand goals, but also the analysis of the needs of its potential recipients. It is worth analyzing the behavior and different opinions of Internet users about our offer, for example, on social networks.