How to Do Papers Without Wasting Your Time

How to Do Papers Without Wasting Your Time
Photo by JESHOOTS on Unsplash

Writing assignments can be time-consuming. Students usually need a moment to focus and conquer the fear of a blank page. This moment can take a while. "How can I do my coding homework and cope with all these papers in one day," they often wonder. There are some secrets. In this article, we will tell you how to save time on writing assignments.

Get rid of distractions

Put away your phone, turn off your computer (unless you need it for work, of course) and the TV. Close the door. Let family and friends know not to disturb you when you do your homework. The fewer distractions you have, the quicker you can get rid of that sociology essay you hate. But if notifications about new YouTube videos or Instagram likes still lure you in, download an app that will block them for a while. Or set your phone to airplane mode for at least half an hour.

Set the timer

Start a timer for as many minutes as you need to complete the work at the beginning of each task. This will teach you to control your time and allocate it wisely. It will also help you focus if you are often distracted. If one assignment takes more time than you have expected, you don't have to blame yourself and just put more effort into implementing the task.

Make a plan for doing your homework each day

Instead of grabbing the first textbook you see and doing your homework on it, you should plan ahead. There are several ways to help you make a homework plan. Decide how much time you can spend on your homework in total. Then make a list of all the assignments you need to complete. Think about how long each of them will take. Then move strictly along the list, crossing off duties as you complete them. You can also stick to the principle of the Eisenhower matrix and sort your assignments according to their importance and deadlines. This will help you organize not only your day but the whole week.

Start with the most challenging tasks

The longer you sit over your papers, the lower your performance and concentration become. And this is understandable: fatigue gradually accumulates. It makes sense to start with complex tasks. You can do them faster with a clear head and then move on to something easier.

Use gadgets

It's a sin for students not to enjoy the benefits of civilization. Use the computer instead of writing by hand, crossing out, and rewriting. Typing takes less time, and modern tools highlight the mistakes you make. There are plenty of useful applications that make life easier for students, from grammar checkers and bibliography compilers to essay topic generators and note-taking scanners. If doing your homework takes up a lot of your time, you can use all these apps. The most important thing to remember is that their purpose is to help you gain knowledge, not to gain knowledge for you.

Do time and task analysis

This will help you determine how much time you really need for writing tasks if you are not distracted by extraneous activities. To do this, try to get rid of all distractions and be as focused as possible and note how long it took you to complete one task. In the future, you will be able to understand how much time you need for different types of tasks and distribute it properly.


Important things that take a long time should be planned in advance. It is even better to use a special scheduling program (for example, build a Gantt chart in Google Tables). This applies to writing term papers, diploma projects, preparing for tests and exams.

The 10-Minute Method

You probably have tasks that you keep putting off because they seem too difficult or unpleasant. You don't know how to get started, where to start. Convince yourself that you will devote to this task only 10 minutes, and then switch to a more pleasant task for you. There is a high probability that in 10 minutes, you will get involved in the process, you will come up with productive ideas, and you will not want to give them up.

Nurture self-discipline

It is important to follow the established schedule. Otherwise, you will not have time to do anything. Try not to be distracted by other things, not to give in to temptation. Make it a rule to do a difficult task first, and then spend the break between tasks on something pleasant as a reward. Make sure that the breaks are strictly regulated. Are you likely to get carried away and forget about time? Set a timer. Minimize all distractions to avoid unnecessary disturbances. Clean up your workspace. Remove foreign objects from your desk. If distracting sounds occur, use earplugs or use headphones to turn on special audio recordings for class. You will waste time on written assignments only if you decide so.