5 Tips for Effective Online Learning

5 Tips for Effective Online Learning

Online Learning Booming

The growth of online learning has been astonishing in recent years. It has really boomed since the outbreak of the pandemic. Interestingly, 90% of corporations now use e-learning as opposed to just 4% in 1995. The global e-learning market is expected to grow at the rate of 155 in the next 5 years.

That said, online learning has its own challenges, and it is important to be well-prepared to manage them successfully. Make sure you get your ducks in a row before you get going.

1. Make a schedule

First things first, come up with a phased, time-bound, and flexible schedule. This will help you manage your entire learning process with confidence and optimal efficiency.

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2. Focus

While learning online, you have to deal with multiple distractions. Whether it be a sports program you don’t want to miss or your rowdy roommate, you need to avoid all distractions by finding space where you will be able to concentrate.

Focus is key to effective online learning, so do not let yourself be dragged into an array of unrelated activities. Organize your space ergonomically to reduce stress levels and increase your chances of making the most of the learning experience.

3. Be Active

Make sure you don’t disappear during online sessions. While you need to listen carefully to what your instructor says or to what your fellow students have to contribute, participate actively. This is not the time to be shy about asking questions, seeking clarification, and probing if you need to dig deeper.

Continued interaction with your peers and tutors does not need to be limited to online sessions only. Reach out to them on a regular basis for feedback, additional questions, or advice.

4. Get Comfortable With Online Tools

You might have to use various online platforms and tools to make online learning useful and effective. You would also need to share data and information through various programs, so it matters that you feel comfortable using them.

It is also a good idea to do your own research about the best approaches to online learning. Make sure to review tips for online learning during a pandemic to learn from the experiences of others. You might be surprised by the wealth of useful information and advice you will get.

5. Strike a Balance

Learning is important, but it is equally important to strike a good balance between learning and rest. Similar to the work-life balance promoted by employers, you need to ensure a healthy ‘learn-life’ balance if you will excuse the pun.

Allow sufficient break times between sessions, especially the back-to-back ones. If you feel you are getting close to burnout, do not hesitate to take a longer break. Physical exercise is also known and proven to be a great energy booster. Pick one that you enjoy most and stick with it throughout the entire learning process.

Closing Remarks

Online learning creates new, unconventional, and somewhat untapped opportunities for learning. To make the most of the opportunities it presents, a learner needs to be well-prepared, committed, and diligent about the learning process. With challenges related to the lack of face-to-face interaction, you should not take anything for granted.

Develop a time-bound plan for your learning activities, stay focused, and hone your computer skills to stay ahead of the curve. Build on your strengths to use online learning to achieve your long-term development and career goals.


Charlotte Banks specializes in online learning tools and platforms. She has spent many years consulting tutors on the improvement of online learning and teaching techniques. Lots of students have also benefited from Charlotte’s substantive reviews of trends, best practices, and successful approaches to online learning.