A Basic Guide to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

A Basic Guide to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

Non-fungible tokens or NFTs have recently gained popularity as a technology that can be highly profitable to its users or creators. Even though the concept of NFTs has been there for several years, it has only recently become more popular. NFTs are based on the same technology as cryptocurrencies. However, you can’t store your NFTs in a safety deposit or create an exhibition for them, unlike other physical assets like paintings or comic books.

They can be anything from a painting, song, video, sporting moment, tweet, or even a meme. To verify the authenticity of a digital asset, NFTs provide a blockchain-created certificate of authenticity. NFTs are becoming increasingly popular, Hopefully, you learned how to create your own NFT strategies! But we suggest you take help from an expert NFT agency to do it for you.  

What are NFTs

This phenomenon technology allows buyers or investors to own an original copy of a digital asset as you would with a physical one. With NFTs, It’s impossible to substitute or exchange a token for another one. Developers commonly use the Ethereum blockchain to create NFTs, but Flow blockchain has recently gained much popularity, particularly in gaming and collectibles NFT development. 

NFTs use a digital ledger, similar to that of a cryptographic transaction, to record transactions so that anyone might be able to prove ownership at any given time. Here are other things you should know about NFTs.

What gives value to NFTs?

This question is quite natural because NFTs are not limited to conventional assets like paintings with a real-world value attached to them. In fact, NFTs may be in the form of digital content, such as posts on social media. This means that the type of asset presented on the blockchain influences the value of an NFT. 

NFTs on the blockchain reflect the asset’s actual value in question, such as a piece of residential real estate. There are many factors to consider when it comes to value, such as whether or not the asset is physical or digital and whether or not the asset has a price tag. In essence, the market, supply, and demand all play a role in determining its value.

It's just like determining the value of a work of art, where the value of each piece is a result of market sentiment and what potential buyers are willing to pay for it. This means that the seller is free to set the price of their artwork at any level they choose. Whether or not the buyer is willing to fork over the money to acquire the asset is an entirely different matter.

However, the speculative value of an NFT is determined when the two factors; the asking price of a seller and the willingness or desire to pay by a buyer. Where the two coincide is the value of that particular NFT. All assets that don't have a real-world price tag are included in this section. 

Type of assets you can turn into NFTs

Bitcoin, for example, is a fungible asset because it can be exchanged for another unit of the same currency. On the other hand, real estate property stands out as excellent non fungible tokens examples because it’s something that’s completely unique in its status. The assets that you can turn into NFTs include but are not limited to the following:

  • Artworks such as digital sketches or oil paintings
  • Online content such as posts on social media and opinion blog posts
  • Music including songs, remixes, symphonies, and background 
  • Video content
  • Residential and commercial real estate 
  • Sporting moments such as famous goal or basketball dunk

You can use NFTs to preserve the uniqueness of any object, regardless of its physical form. This is why there are many types of assets you can convert to NFTs because they merely represent their real-world counterparts.


NFTs are tokenized digital assets that are unique to each user. Each asset’s uniqueness allows it to stand out and get the attention of potential customers. NFTs are just starting to take shape, and creating and selling NFTs is an intricate process that you can achieve with the help of an NFT development agency. This technology has previously primarily benefited the arts and entertainment industry but can also be adopted by a much wider range of sectors.