What Weather Conditions Cause the Most Car Accidents?

We have foggy, rainy, windy, and many bad weather conditions that affect trucks and the roads we travel on. We all know the weather can affect visibility and delay travel. As a driver, safety depends on preparedness. To help prepare for the safe transportation of goods, we will introduce what weather conditions cause the most car accidents and how to deal with them.

What Weather Conditions Cause the Most Car Accidents?

Top 5 weather conditions cause the most car accidents

NOTE: If you have been involved in a car accident caused by the negligent actions of another person please consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

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1. Fog

When transporting goods to areas with high, rugged terrain or mountainous places, it is easy to encounter fog. During the fog, plan for extended travel times as it will reduce visibility. Traffic speeds are expected to be affected and note that there is a high risk of accidents due to impaired visibility, inability to see moving vehicles, and other obstacles.

2. Heavy Rain

Heavy rain threatens to flood the road, making driving conditions dangerous. So, it is best to consider taking a detour and plan to increase your travel time. In addition, you should use a set of tires that can work well on wet roads if the area where you live often rains.

3. Strong Wind

Light winds can make it more challenging to maneuver your truck and maintaining control with winds greater than 50km/h is nearly impossible.

It is crucial to be careful when driving trucks over bridges or climbing uphill overpasses, as they become especially dangerous in windy conditions. Especially when being dark, it is even more hazardous when the whirlwind sweeps away dust and dirt.

4. Icy Weather

What Weather Conditions Cause the Most Car Accidents?

For roads with the frozen snow and high vertical slopes, you must pause and wait until the ice is thawed to continue moving. The road is slippery, and your tires can be unsuitable for driving on the ice road.

Drivers need to pay special attention to the most dangerous phenomenon when driving in these weather conditions, which is black ice. Unlike white snow, frozen water has a transparent color. So, it is easy to mix with the black road surface, making inexperienced drivers or not observing difficult to recognize. This condition causes the vehicle to lose grip and may slide uncontrollably.

5. Rainstorm

When it rains and storms, the road observation conditions are limited. So, the drivers need to be careful in checking the car before starting and paying more attention when holding the steering wheel.

During the rainy and stormy season, drivers need to monitor newspapers, television, and weather forecasts to make sure when it rains. Then, make a specific schedule for the rainy season in the unlikely event of having to go out on the street.

Experiences of driving safely in bad weather

1. Check the weather before setting off.

Preparation in advance is essential when starting a journey. Riders should learn about possible weather patterns in stormy conditions.

When driving in the rain, the driver will not want the car to have a breakdown. Therefore, the driver needs to check the overall vehicle before moving. Do not ignore vital parts such as brakes, lights, and tires.

The fuel tank should be fully charged to avoid running out of fuel. Cars can get stuck in flooded or muddy areas during storms. Therefore, the driver should prepare necessary items, such as clean water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and a phone charger.

2. Go slow and do not brake hard.

If heavy rain suddenly occurs, the driver needs to reduce the accelerator or remove the accelerator so that the speed gradually decreases instead of pressing the brake sharply. Pressing the brake too fast will cause the car to be thrown and slide on the road, especially when the road is very slippery due to rainwater and engine oil.

What Weather Conditions Cause the Most Car Accidents?

3. Use the air conditioner and observe the rearview mirror and side mirrors.

The temperature inside the car and the weather outside will be different when it starts to rain. It causes the car's glass to be blurred and it is difficult for the driver to see the outside of the car. One of the tips to deal with a blurred windshield is to turn on the air conditioning system.

It will help the car balance the temperature with the outside environment and clear the fog on the glass. Observing the rearview mirror is also essential to driving safely in the rain.

4. Do not use cruise control.

The cruise control system will limit the driver's control to some extent. When unexpected situations occur, the driver will hardly be able to react in time. Turn off cruise control for safe driving in the rain.

5. Keep your distance from other vehicles.

In heavy rain and storm conditions, keep a safe distance while driving. Keeping a safe space will help the driver handle unexpected situations better, avoiding collisions with other vehicles.

6. Park your car to the side of the road if visibility is limited

In case of heavy rain, the driver should park the car in a safe place. Turn on the warning light to notify other vehicles and wait until the rain stops. Do not attempt to move if it rains heavily.

7. Stay alert even after the storm has passed.

Even after the rain has stopped and the wind has stopped, the road surface still contains many dangers such as slippery, muddy, flooded puddles, manhole covers, etc. So, please keep moving slowly and carefully observe around.

8. Always fasten your seat belt.

Wearing a seat belt not only reduces the fatality rate in an accident in normal weather conditions, but it can also reduce the danger in the rain. If the vehicle slips for a long time, the seat belt will help the occupants to limit the impact.

The Bottom Line

What weather conditions cause the most car accidents? Fog, rain, storm, and flood can slow down the transportation industry, but driver's safety is the most important thing.

Before setting off, check the weather forecast along your route.

In hazardous conditions, plan for extra transit time and make sure you have emergency relief equipment.