Common Corporate Training Challenges (And How You Can Overcome Them)

Whether a company is a brand new startup or well-established, its paramount priority is to increase the potential of training programs when it comes to the allocation of training resources. Moreover, employee expectations from work, fulfilling their roles, and balancing personal and professional responsibilities have changed significantly. However, despite deliberate resource allocation, several companies still find difficulty in training and face challenges in achieving their goals. This commonly happens because of training issues such as a dispersed workforce, cultural differences, employee roadblocks, and more. 

Common Corporate Training Challenges (And How You Can Overcome Them)
Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Here are the most common corporate training challenges faced by training managers and how they can be overcome. Have a look:

1. Keeping up with new learning trends

With developing technology, the L&D industry has evolved and so has the workplace. Artificial intelligence and data-driven culture provide employees with the freedom to make their learning paths whilst guiding them in the process which also seems counterintuitive, yet independent learning for a more tactical corporate learning approach and experience. 


To overcome this challenge, companies implement an effective corporate training program. With the evolving landscape of industries, professionals must look into their executives' and learners' needs and want to enhance their skills and knowledge. Software for training companies is essential for every individual in the company to grow without wasting human resources on monotonous jobs. This software help companies align with the trend. 

2. Busy employee schedule

An employee needs to balance work and personal life. With a slip of other demands draining employees’ energy and drawing attention, there’s a risk that training might just add to their strain. Thus, making employees resent or avoid training sessions and declining the development of the organization. 


To avoid such challenges, companies should use a microlearning approach where employees can find useful and relevant content in small-scaled chunks such as infographics, short videos, gifs, and even checklists that make training easier to absorb. Moreover, optimizing employee training for mobile allows learners to access training materials from anywhere and at any time which makes training much more convenient. Coupled with competency software that tracks progress, training is made far more user-friendly and can be tailored to each individual, helping employees to learn in a way that suits them.

3. Discrete learning routine

We live in an environment where we live with people of different perspectives, different habits, and different IQs. Besides, a workforce consists of people of different generations who have different relationships with upcoming technology. So, employee training happens to be less effective if all employees are believed to have the learning habits and skill levels or to be equally tech-savvy. 


To resolve these issues, a company must perform a need assessment that helps identify the learning habits of a workforce. It also helps in designing the training program. This is where programmes such as the training the trainer course can come in handy as you will be better at addressing the exact needs of your employees. For less tech-savvy employees choose software with a simple user interface. Moreover, open discussion forum implementation helps to make communication easy for all learners and ease up to asking questions and receive instant content as well as technical guidance.

4. Reinforcement of soft skills

Today’s employees need soft skills such as people management, interpersonal skills, communication skills, and time management equal as they need leadership and tech skills. Owing to the global demand of the multicultural corporate world, one challenge HR leaders face is the investment in soft skills. Upcoming demands of the corporate world are critical thinking, innovation, communication skills, and emotional intelligence which are very challenging to apply to the mundane in the office. 


As an employee trainer, the manager needs to develop L&D programs that dig into soft skills such as critical thinking, innovation, communication skills, and emotional intelligence depending on the needs and culture of the workplace. Moreover, for effective training employees must go through several training experiences for an appropriate time being for them to learn the flow of work.

With upcoming trends and evolution, never let the challenges slow down the development process of learners. Use these solutions to further improve your corporate training programs and promote a healthy learning culture.