The Main Reasons Why You Should Enter an Outpatient Program After Drug Treatment

If you are about to complete an inpatient drug rehab program, congratulations on taking the first steps toward getting and staying sober. You’ve put in hard work already, and when you step out the door of the clinic, you might even feel like a whole new person. There are a lot of wonderful new things to discover about living life without drugs, but also different challenges to confront when you’re bombarded by daily realities.

The Main Reasons Why You Should Enter an Outpatient Program After Drug Treatment
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Search for treatment centers near me to find a quality outpatient recovery program that can continue to help you sort out the difficulties and new opportunities of sober life. Here are some reasons to consider an outpatient program:

Support for Triggers

As you probably learned at some point in your inpatient therapies, triggers come in all shapes and sizes. Stress can be triggering and so can peer pressure. Even positive events like turning on your favorite television show or going to a party can trigger association with your drug of choice.

Notionally, you may have a good idea of your triggers, but it’s different when they present themselves. It’s important to learn and use coping skills to avoid giving in to these triggers.

Outpatient therapy can give you more tools to respond to cravings as you encounter them and provide continual support.

Goal Setting and Remembering Your “Why”

You may have left inpatient treatment extremely inspired to start a new life for yourself, only to find that your enthusiasm wears off as life’s frustrations return. You might aspire to find a new job or return to school, and not know where or how to take your next step. Look for “treatment centers near me” and you can find help to set goals toward whatever you’re ready to pursue in your life.

Help to Prevent Relapse

When you discover “treatment centers near me,” you’ll find programs that are very similar to your inpatient therapies. They can provide you with the routine and structure you need to support your mental health and prevent relapse. Most programs will have you continue medications, psychotherapy, group support sessions and other tools that help with sobriety.

Having a set schedule and knowing when you will have the opportunity to check in with your care team can help also. 

Look for a Flexible and Affordable “Treatment Centers Near Me”

When you search the internet for “treatment centers near me,” you might find many options for your outpatient care. The best facilities will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that is flexible for your lifestyle and gives you the support you need. You should also look for a facility that is affordable, will work with your insurance, and has transparent out-of-pocket costs.

If possible, you should tour the facility to make sure you feel comfortable. You could try sitting in on a class or group session to see if the structure seems like a good fit for you. When you find the right facility, you’ll be ready to confront your triggers to stay away from your drug of choice, and also find support to build the life of your dreams.