Rotten Teeth — What Causes the Condition?

Many people struggle with oral health, and neglecting your teeth can lead to decay. As the situation worsens, there are fewer and fewer remaining options to save the affected teeth. In the early stages, restoration is a perfectly viable solution, and this service can help you save your teeth. Here is what you need to know about rotting teeth and how this condition will affect your entire body.
What Does It Mean?
When you hear someone talk about rotten teeth, it refers to decayed teeth. Elevate Dental dentists state that in the majority of cases, the decay has advanced too far, and the patient is probably experiencing numerous symptoms of tooth decay. To fully understand what’s happening with the teeth, we should take a look at the structure first.
The outer layer is known as tooth enamel. It protects the inside of a tooth and ensures that bacteria can’t reach its inner layers. Over time, the enamel will wear out, and it will leave the dentin exposed. Damage to the dentin and inner pulp of the tooth is the beginning of tooth decay, and if left untreated, it will lead to rotting teeth.
Essentially, the term is used to describe advanced decay of the tooth, which is a clear sign that the patient will need to do something about it.
What Causes Rotten Teeth?
Generally speaking, tooth decay is caused by poor oral hygiene. But there are many factors that will affect teeth. This includes how often the person brushes their teeth, diet, overall health, and so much more. Most importantly, rotten teeth are caused by negligence. Visiting the dentist regularly will allow them to spot early signs of decay and start treating the tooth before it’s too late.
The science behind tooth decay is quite simple according to this experienced dentist in Oxnard. When the enamel gets damaged or worn out, bacteria can enter the inner part of the tooth. Once the pulp and dentin are affected, they will destroy the tooth over time. Eventually, the damage will reach the nerve of the tooth, leading to pain and other problems.
When it comes to causes, the most common reason is poor oral hygiene. But at the same time, brushing too hard can damage the enamel and lead to tooth decay. This is one of the reasons dentists recommend soft toothbrushes.
The next one on the list is diet. Eating foods and drinks that can stick to your teeth is usually a bad idea. This attracts bacteria, and it will promote tooth decay. At the same time, eating or drinking anything with sugar will be bad for your teeth, and you should avoid acidic drinks since they can further damage the enamel.
If you want to prevent tooth decay, you will need to focus on your habits and ensure that you eat and drink healthy things that won’t damage your teeth.
Rotten Teeth Effects on the Body
When it comes to problems caused by rotten teeth, the most obvious answer is tooth loss. It will affect physical appearance, which can cause people to have problems with self-esteem. But this is just the beginning of all the problems. What many people don’t know is that a rotten tooth can affect the entire body.
A person might experience trembling hands and various other signs of weakness. Furthermore, a person with bad teeth can experience lower energy levels, and doing nearly anything can become a chore. At the same time, tooth problems can spread to the bloodstream, and many dentists suggest that it can turn into poisoning.
Other health problems include sepsis, meningitis, gum disease, and even heart disease. As you can see, dental problems do not end in the mouth — they can affect your entire body. And this is one of many reasons to address the condition as soon as you spot it.
Tooth decay doesn’t always have visible symptoms, especially in the early stages. As the condition worsens, there will be more and more symptoms for you to notice. If you visit the dentist, they will be able to spot the change on your teeth and start treating them before it’s too late. If you are looking for signs and symptoms, there might be discoloration or bad breath.
Of course, the most common sign of tooth-related problems is sensitivity or pain. If you notice that your teeth become sensitive to foods and drinks that are either hot or cold, this is a sign that you should visit a dentist.
If you are wondering whether there are viable treatments, the answer is yes. But the type of treatment or procedure will depend on how damaged the teeth are. In the early stages, tooth decay can be reversed using fluoride treatments like fluoride toothpaste and different types of mouthwash.
If the condition progresses, the dentist will have to go for fillings or restorations, and the process involves drilling the tooth to remove the affected part. The next phase of tooth decay treatment includes dental crowns, and it is possible that you will need root canals if the damage is too severe.
Unfortunately, tooth decay can progress even further, and it is possible that there is no way to save the affected tooth. In this case, the only remaining option is tooth removal. Even if someone loses their permanent teeth, they can still go for a number of different options to replace them. The most popular ones are dentures and implants.
What to Do?
The best thing you can do when it comes to oral health is work on improving it. Prevention is the smartest option, and it will save you a lot of trouble in the future. So, the thing you should do is have regular visits to the dentist. They will be able to spot early signs of tooth decay and prevent it from destroying your teeth.
Yes, sometimes you will have to get a tooth crown, root canal, or anything else. But the more you focus on hygiene, the less time you will need to spend at the dentist.