Strength is in Protein

It happens that you work, and the results of labor aren’t noticeable. Athletes notice this especially clearly during a certain period of training. If an amateur is simply annoyed by wasted time, then this threatens a professional with a loss of earnings. To be strong, you need muscles. And muscle strength comes from protein. This is why people are turning to protein and weight gainers supplements.
Double definition of proteins
The most important nutrients that the body gets from food are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins contain amino acids that can affect the growth of muscle tissue. There are many amino acids in total, but the human body absorbs 22 of them.
There are two ways to get proteins into the body through food:
· normal diet
· special dietary supplement
This is due to the double meaning of the expression "to use protein", it’s determined in a specific situation: whether a person eats protein contained in porridge, or — in a purified from other components form.
The most common proteins
Protein supplements are needed not only for athletes, but this case is more significant. They are often used by the military on long trips and patients with anorexia. The reason for the popularity of protein supplements is their ease of use with all the ingredients from natural food.
Having recognized the need to take supplements — on your own or on the recommendation of a trainer or doctor — it’s necessary to understand what supplements are and which ones are suitable in a particular case. By origin, proteins are divided into two categories.
1. Animal proteins
This is the main form of protein suitable for the human body:
· whey - short absorption time
· casein - long absorption time
· egg - the composition is identical to human muscles
· dairy - good composition, average absorption time
· meat - high biological value, high price
2. Vegetable proteins
They are presented on the market in a smaller quantity and variety, since they have a low biological value and are less absorbed by the body:
· Soy - high absorption, full amino acid composition, low calorie content
· rice - less fiber, no gluten and lactose
· pea - contains the essential amino acid arginine
· vegan - slow to digest but long lasting
· hemp - hemp lacks in the essential amino acid lysine, magnesium and iron
· wheat - similar to soy, but more expensive
3. Multicomponent
This is a product of sports nutrition manufacturers, in which they mix different types of protein, both in origin and in composition. Ronnie Coleman's has its own experience with multi-ingredient mixtures, which have shown good results and are liked by consumers. These protein supplements are popular for:
· flexible composition formula
· convenient way to receive
· compliance with specific conditions of training and recovery
Let's pay special attention to vegetarian athletes. Based on the foregoing, it is especially difficult for them in a set of proteins, therefore, protein nutritional supplements are a cheap and convenient way out.
Who needs gainers?
The characteristics of some types of organisms don’t imply a rapid increase in muscle mass due to genetics or digestion. In this case, it’s necessary to take weight gainers — food supplements containing proteins and carbohydrates. It is recommended to take them only for those who have a lack of mass, otherwise excess weight may appear, which will have to be removed with additional training.
Manufacturers can add vitamins, trace elements, creatine and glutamine to the gainer, which contribute to a greater anabolic effect. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates can be either equal or with a preponderance towards carbohydrates, they are the fuel for training. The sources of carbohydrates — simple and complex — can also be different, which will determine the price and effectiveness of the gainer.
The main advantages of this type of supplements:
1. energy supply to the muscles
2. gain in muscle mass
3. improving workout performance
4. conducive to speedy recovery
A gainer for consumption can be diluted in any liquid, with the exception of hot water — in it, the protein can quickly coagulate and not give the desired effect.
Minimum risk of side effects
Practice has shown that proteins and gaining supplements don’t bring any harm to the body. The only exception is the human factor. You can only harm yourself by increasing the dose of the supplement or taking it without the advice of specialists. The main risks of side effects are associated with overdose.
· egg protein — excessive consumption affects the thyroid gland and, as a result, the hormonal background of the body
· milk protein — dangerous only because it contains lactose, which is harmful to a certain group of people
· casein protein — with an overdose, it disrupts digestion
· soy protein — negative effect on testosterone; in women — no side effects at all
· complex proteins — don’t miss the composition of the mixture
Despite the harmlessness of protein supplements, it is best to consult a doctor, trainer, or market expert, such as Ronnie Coleman’s, before taking them.
According to the Recommended Dietary Allowance, the daily intake of protein should be 0.8 g/kg of body weight. For athletes, the norm increases to 1.2-1.4 g, for athletes of power sports — up to 1.7 g / kg of body weight, since the higher the physical activity of a person, the more protein he needs for normal life.
Ideal for athletes, useful for amateurs
If your goal is to gain mass, in addition to compiling a correct program, you should first of all devote a lot of time to acquiring knowledge about proper nutrition. Being engaged in the gym, people first of all want to improve their external muscles, increase its volume, and make it as large as possible. In order to achieve and master the above qualities, you need to create the right diet for your body, and no matter what level of training you are now, proper nutrition is already the key to result!