40+ Best Mexican Word Of The Day Memes in 2025
The Mexican word of the day memes and jokes have gained popularity in recent years and since the internet is so powerful nowadays, getting an image or a line of text to go on trend is an easy and normal thing for every other day. We can see many new trends every day on Twitter and all the other social media apps. This “Mexican Word Of The Day Memes” is one of those trends that people want to use more often and laugh about for a while.
If you want to enjoy and share these jokes with your loved ones and followers on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, WhatsApp, Pinterest, and Tiktok, you can simply read or download images with these memes.
40+ Best Mexican Word Of The Day Memes in 2025
I handpicked some hard laugh and soft laugh memes for you that can help your Spanish memer to showcase the best of Mexican word of the day laughs:
Check the list below:
Before you actually go for some ordinary Mexican word of the day memes 2025 updated list, check some of the hardest jokes here on these images that you can download for free:
Now let's read some normal jokes to make yourself laugh slightly lighter than the above memes you read about the best Mexican word of the day memes in 2025:
1. Chicken Finger
Mexican Word of the Day Chicken Finger: "My friend ordered chicken fingers (dedos de pollo) at the restaurant, and I said, 'I prefer my fingers without the chicken, thank you!'"
2. Day Guy
Mexican Word of the Day Guy: "My friend introduced me to a new guy (chico), and I said, 'He seems nice, but I bet he can't handle spicy food like we do!'"
3. Chili
Mexican word of the day Chili: "I told my friend that I ate some chili (Chili), and he said, 'Did you get a little chi-lightheaded (chili-light-headed)?'"
4. Budweiser
Mexican Word of the Day Budweiser: "My dad asked me to get him a Budweiser (Bood-weezer), and I said, 'Why not try a Mexican beer instead, like Corona or Tecate (Te-ca-te)?'"
5. Joe Biden
Mexican Word of the Day Joe Biden: "Joe Biden My Ear Without My Permission."
6. Toaster
Mexican word of the day: Toaster. "My mom said she wanted to buy a new toaster (Toaster), but I said, 'No, we already have a toast-rado (toasted) one.'"
7. Potato
Mexican word of the day: Potato. "I tried to start my car this morning, but it just po-ta-to (potato)ed."
8. Chicken Wing
Mexican word of the day Chicken Wing: “My wife plays the lottery so chicken wing some money.”
9. Banana
Mexican word of the day: Banana. "My dad said he wanted a banana (Ba-nana), and I said, 'I don't think we have any ba-nay-nays (bananas) left.'"
10. Birthday
Mexican Word of the Day Birthday: "It's my friend's birthday (cumpleaños), and I said, 'Let's celebrate with some cake and a piñata (pee-nya-ta)!'"
10. Burrito
Mexican Word of the Day Burrito: "My friend asked me what I wanted for lunch, and I said, 'How about a burrito (burrito) so big it could feed a whole mariachi band (mariachi)!'"
12. Doughnut
Mexican word of the day: Doughnut. "My wife said she wanted a doughnut (Do-nut), so I said, 'Do not forget to bring me one too.'"
13. Avocado
Mexican word of the day: Avocado. "My friend said he was making guacamole, and I said, 'Avo-cuddle (avocado) with me and let's eat it together!'"
14. Salsa
Mexican Word of the Day Salsa: "My mom asked me to make some salsa (salsa), and I said, 'Don't worry, I'll make it extra picante (spicy) just like you like it!'"
15. Poop
Mexican Word of the Day Poop: "My brother said he stepped in some poop (popó), and I said, 'Looks like you're in deep caca (shit)!'"
16. Bishop
Mexican Word of the Day Bishop: "My grandma went to church and saw the bishop (obispo), and I said, 'Did he bless you with his obispo powers?'"
17. Jokes
Mexican Word of the Day Jokes: "My friend told me a joke, and I said 'Man, that's so funny, you should tell it to the whole class!' He said, 'Why would I do that?' And I said, 'Because it's a Mexican word of the day joke (chiste)!'"
18. Elastic
Mexican word of the day: Elastic. "I was trying to put on my socks this morning, but the elastic (Elastic) was too tight. So I said, 'These socks are giving me an elas-tic-attack (elastic attack)!'"
19. Telescope
Mexican word of the day: Telescope. "My brother said he saw something in the sky, so I looked through my telescope (Telescope) and said, 'Oh, that's just a fly on the lens.'"
20. Computer
Mexican Word of the Day Computer: "My mom asked me to fix her computer (computadora), and I said, 'Sure, but I hope you have the password written down somewhere, because I'm not a hacker (hacker)!'"
21. Trump
Mexican Word of the Day Trump: "My friend asked me what I thought of Trump (Trump), and I said, 'I don't know, but he sure has a lot of chicharrón (crispy pork skin) for a guy who doesn't like Mexicans!'"
22. Juicy
Mexican Word of the Day Juicy: "My mom made some juicy (jugo-cito) juice, and I said, 'I'll take mine with a slice of limón (lemon)!'"
23. Tennis
Mexican word of the day: Tennis. "My dad said he was going to play tennis (Ten-nis), and I said, 'Why don't you just go to the park and play ten-isn't (tennisn't)?'"
24. Mushroom
Mexican word of the day: Mushroom. "I was so hungry, I had to mushroom (mush-room) in my stomach for breakfast!"
25. Pikachu
Mexican Word of the Day Pikachu: "I went shopping with my wife but I was getting tired so I told her to hurry up and Pickachu."
26. Lysol
Mexican Word of the Day Lysol: "My mom asked me to clean the bathroom with Lysol (Lee-sol), and I said, 'Sure, but can we also use some Fabuloso (fa-boo-lo-so) for that extra Mexican touch?'"
27. Quarter
Mexican word of the day: Quarter. "My dad said he was going to give me a quarter (Quarter), and I said, 'No thanks, I don't need any quar-ter (quarter) of a dollar.'"
28. Football
Mexican Word of the Day Football: "My dad and I were watching football (fútbol), and he said, 'That's a great pass!' I said, 'Yeah, but I bet you can't pass me the remote (re-mote) without getting up!'"
29. Beach
Mexican word of the day: Beach. "My wife said she wanted to go to the beach (Beech), so I said, 'Which beach you wanna go to?'"
30. Cologne
Mexican word of the day: Cologne. "My dad smelled like he was wearing a lot of cologne (Cologne), but it turned out to be just vaporub (Va-pa-rub)."
31. Briefcase
Mexican word of the day: Briefcase. "My wife said she was leaving me, so I said briefcase (brief-case) yourself over here and give me a hug!"
32. Juicy
Mexican word of the day: Juicy. "Juicy (Jus-see) I'm getting some tacos today!"
33. Tequila
Mexican Word of the Day Tequila: "My dad and I decided to have a drink, and he said, 'How about some tequila (tequila)?' I said, 'Sure, but let's make sure we have some lime and salt to go with it!'"
34. Lemon
Mexican word of the day: Lemon. "My mom said she was going to make lemon (Lemon)ade, and I said, 'I hope it's not too lem-onstrous (lemonstrous).'"
35. Ham
Mexican word of the day: Ham. "I went to the store to buy some ham (Ham), but they didn't have any. So I said, 'Well, that's just ham-burguesa (hamburger).'"
36. Nachos
Mexican Word of the Day Nachos: "My cousin invited us over for a game night and made some nachos (nachos), and I said, 'These are so good, they should be called Mexi-cannot-stop-eating-them (Mexican't stop eating them)!'"
37. Cheese
Mexican word of the day: Cheese. "My mom said we were having cheese (Cheese) for dinner, and I said, 'Oh, grate (great)!'"
38. Butternut
Mexican Word of the Day Butternut: "My sister made butternut (calabaza) soup, and I said, 'This soup is so good, it's nut-thing (nothing) like I've ever tasted before!'"
39. Dallas
Mexican Word of the Day Dallas: "My cousin moved to Dallas (Dal-las), and I said, 'Don't forget to pack your boots and your cow-boy (cowboy) hat!'"
40. Remote
Mexican word of the day: Remote. "My sister lost the remote (Remote), so I said, 'Looks like we'll have to get up and do it man-ually (manually).'"
41. Netflix
Mexican Word of the Day Netflix: "My sister and I were bored, so we decided to watch Netflix (Netflix), and I said, 'Let's watch something in Spanish to brush up on our language skills!'"
42. Tacos
Mexican Word of the Day Tacos: "My dad and I were hungry, so we decided to make some tacos (tacos), and I said, 'Let's make sure we have plenty of salsa and guacamole for that extra Mexican flavor!'"
43. Calculator
Mexican word of the day: Calculator. "I asked my teacher if I could borrow her calculator (Calculator), and she said, 'Sure, just don't calcu-late (calculate) too much.'"
There were some memes you need extra knowledge to understand but I hope you enjoyed these 40+ best Mexican word of the day memes with images and text that I gathered after extensive research and adding my own touch to them.
Stay with me as I will be updating this list very often for you. Share the laughs.