Secondary Schools in Cambridge

Cambridge is open to international schoolchildren and students all year round: prestigious private schools, universities offer various types of academic programs, learning English in an ancient university city. According to the latest UK census, 20% of Cambridge residents are university students, so it is not surprising that the city's infrastructure and events are focused on student life. The most famous educational institutions of Cambridge are the famous Cambridge University, Abbey College, St.Mary's School for Girls, Corpus Christi College and others. Many of them are close to the legendary university in age. Modern international network language schools OISE and the European Center of the EU also work here, so each applicant can choose a quality education that corresponds to his preferences.

Secondary Schools in Cambridge

The international schools in Cambridge invite students aged from 11 to 16 years old to obtain secondary education. Until the age of 14, the students study a wide range of general education subjects. From the age of 14, subjects are usually determined selectively – depending on the interests of the student and his plans for further education. Students aged 14-16 can choose a GCSE program, at the end of which they receive a certificate of general secondary education. This course in secondary schools in Cambridge focuses on literature and history. At the age of 16, compulsory secondary education ends.

The best secondary schools Cambridge – specifics of studying

At the age of 11, the child goes to secondary school. The purpose of this stage is to deepen knowledge and prepare for obtaining a certificate of secondary education GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

  • The first stage (from 11 to 14 years). Children study 10-15 subjects and begin to attend vocational guidance classes.
  • The second stage (from 14 to 16 years). Students prepare for GCSE exams, determine their path for the last 2 years of school and choose subjects on the basis of which they will enter the university.

The curriculum consists of compulsory subjects and electives that students can choose independently. Compulsory subjects include: English, mathematics, natural science, computer science, foreign language. Physical education is usually included in the compulsory program. Popular elective classes are as following: economics, accounting, music, theater, dramatic skills.

The grading system in schools is alphabetic: from A* (excellent) to U (extremely unsatisfactory). In some private educational institutions, they also give a second grade – for diligence, from 1 (active work and interest in the subject) to 5 (the student does not try at all). Double assessment is very convenient for both the student and his parents. 

The academic year at the international schools in Cambridge is divided into trimesters, the duration of each is 12 weeks. The number of lessons depends on the age of the students, but always includes creative activities and sports. Much attention is paid to general education: schools try to develop leadership qualities in children, curiosity, to cultivate free individuals who can make choices, defend their point of view, strive for professional development, and at the same time be worthy members of society who have the right to be called true ladies and gentlemen. It is noteworthy that educational traditions are especially strong in private schools in the UK for boys.

Secondary schools Cambridge fees for foreign students

The tuition fee at Cambridge school will mostly depend on the educational institution: a boarding school or a day school, location in a large city or suburb, its ranking, the total number of students, extracurricular program, chosen educational course and many other factors. The average price of one academic year in private schools in Cambridge will vary from 18 to 40 thousand pounds. The price for one trimester is from 8 to 13 thousand pounds. An additional costs include visa processing, insurance and purchase of air tickets in both directions.

TOP secondary schools Cambridge

  • Bellerbys College Cambridge is located on the university territory. The foreign students are studying in a special atmosphere, combining the educational traditions of real England and modern teaching methods. The educational process takes place at two campuses – Queens and Manor. The first one is located opposite the Botanical Garden near the city center and is part of the architectural ensemble of the historical district. The second building is located 2 km from the central part of Cambridge and is a technological building.
  • CATS College Cambridge is a branch of the famous British network of colleges and schools CATS College, which has been teaching students for more than 60 years ago. For Cambridge students, the college offers a classical program for children aged from 15 to 18 years old.
  • Abbey College Cambridge is a part of The Alpha Plus study group. The school is located in the famous student British city. The college invites for studying students aged from 15 to 8 years old  from high school. Here the students can quickly and effectively get acquainted with the British educational system, also undergo the academic preparation necessary for admission to prestigious English universities.