A Basic Guide to Bespoke Software Development

Making your own software was a dream of people of my age, we all used to think of making our own stories about this dream to one day make software that solves a problem only seen by one of us. However, this was not an easy task, as it is nowadays.

Yes, getting your own custom software developed is now possible with many bespoke software development experts available at your service. You can tell them your requirements and they will work on your ideas, you pay and they send you the software. That's so easy, isn't it?

A Basic Guide to Bespoke Software Development

If all this sounds crazy to you, in this basic guide, I'll help you take a look at what it means to have special-made apps or as we say bespoke software, why they're cool, and how you can get started without needing a degree in tech.

So read now:

I. Let's Get Started

What's Special About Making Your Own Software?

Special-made software, or bespoke software development as the fancy folks call it, is like tailoring a suit. It's made to fit you perfectly, addressing your unique needs in a world of off-the-rack solutions being provided by many companies such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft. With bespoke software there's no more squeezing into someone else's idea of what works for you – this is all about making your own rules.

So it is basically all about making software as per your needs and suggestions.

II. When?

When Do You Need It?

So, when do you need this special-made magic app? Simple – when the regular stuff just won't cut it to your expectations. If you have specific tasks, a unique way of working, or special requirements, that's your cue to think about making your own software rather than relying on third-party software and tools.

Good and Not-So-Good Stuff

Bespoke software has its perks. You get what you want, it can grow with your business or service, and it's like having a secret weapon tailor-made just for you from your own ideas.

But, yes, there's a flip side – it might take a bit longer to make, and it can cost a bit more upfront then what you can buy cheap but have to compromise on your requirements. It's a bit like waiting for a custom burger instead of grabbing one off the shelf.

III. DIY Guide: How to Make Your Own Software?

Let's figure it out:

Step 1: Figuring Out What You Need

Think about it like planning a special road trip. You wouldn't just hit the road without a plan, right?

So, first things first – what exactly do you need your software to do? Write it down, make a list, and don't be shy about your wishes.

Better if you keep notes on daily basis and do it for at least a week to finally come up with a plan for your custom made software.

Step 2: Sketching the Plan

Now that you know what you want, it's time to draw a map for the success of your own software. Sketch out how you want your software to look and how it should work.

This is like drawing a treasure map, but instead of gold, you're hunting for the perfect app. Make your own UI and UX that you think is perfect for your own needs and the way you want the software to perform different tasks.

Step 3: Building the Stuff (No Magic Wands Required)

Time to get into action. Pick the tools you need – no fancy wands, just regular computer stuff. If you're not a tech wizard, don't worry you can always outsource it as there are lots of simple tools and friendly tech folks out there to help you. Plus I recommend you hire a coder from a freelancing marketplace such as Upwork or Freelancer and discuss your idea with a few experts then ask their per-hour rate or per-project price and talk in detail to finalize a perfect deal.

Step 4: Checking for Bugs (Not the Creepy-Crawly Kind)

Just like checking your house for sneaky spiders before throwing a party, you need to check your software for bugs. These bugs aren't the creepy-crawly kind that you see in real life; they're just little glitches that need fixing. It's like making sure your cake isn't burnt at the edges so you enjoy it well. You can ask for this too to your hired freelance coder.

Step 5: Showtime – Let Your Software Shine

Once everything's set and the bugs are out from the final software, it's showtime!

Launch your special-made software and let it shine (at least for you). It's like opening night for your favorite band – let the applause (or downloads) roll in (however, that's up to you if you release it for the public or keep it private).

Step 6: Keeping the Show Going

The party doesn't end after the launch. You've got to keep the show going. That means keeping an eye on things, fixing any little hiccups (bugs), and maybe even adding some cool new features to your custom software. It's like keeping your garden blooming after the big reveal.

Tip: All of this basically depends on your own coding skills or the skills of the freelancer you hire. So give ample time to this.

IV. The Good Stuff: Why Bespoke Software Rocks

Bespoke software isn't just a fancy term; it's the superhero cape your business deserves. It fits like a glove because it's made just for you. It grows with your business, does exactly what you need, and is like having a trusty sidekick in the world of business chaos.

You can keep it private to use for yourself only and make your business unique or release it to the public to let others get some help and you get paid for your own ideas. However, that's your own choice!

V. Things to Keep in Mind

While special-made software is a hero in its own right and you love it as it is like a kid of your own, every hero has its quirks as every kid can someday make you cry and be happy at the same time. It might take a bit longer to arrive, and the upfront cost might be a tad higher. But hey, custom-made things are worth the wait, right? As the family is at last the only happiness you can have in this life.

VI. Real-Life Stories:

Let's hear it for the everyday heroes – the businesses that decided to make their own software. They're not tech giants, just regular folks who wanted something special. We'll take a peek into their worlds and see how special-made software made their lives a bit easier.

Apple: Look at their iOS, they use the same software for their own tasks and sell the same thing in their devices to be the #1 tech company in the world

McDonald's: Look how they are able to revolutionize fast food industry by using custom software to become the #1 in the market 

And there are hundreds of examples I can give, I think these 2 are enough for now.

VII. Finding Your Software Sidekick: How to Choose the Right Partner

You may also need to partner with someone with the same vision as yours. However, not everyone is a tech genius, and that's okay.

Choosing the right partner is like finding your software soulmate. Look for someone who gets your vibe, understands your needs, and doesn't speak in tech jargon that makes your head spin.

VIII. What's Next in the World of Custom Software?

Just like fashion trends change, so does the world of bespoke software. You have to take a sneak peek into what's next – maybe robots building your apps? Okay, maybe not that extreme, but you get the idea.

IX. Wrapping It Up:

It's not just about apps or custom computer software solutions; it's about making your own rules, having things your way, and enjoying the perks of special-made goodness.

So, there you have it – a simple guide to making your own software. No tech wizardry is required just a bit of creativity, some planning, and the desire to have things your way.

Welcome to the world of bespoke software development, where the spotlight is always on you.