The Science Behind Deworming: What You Need to Know?

Intestinal worms pose a significant risk to one's health. Although around 836 million children worldwide (including 241 million in India) are susceptible to diseases brought on by worms, most parents are unaware of this issue because they lack sufficient information on the risks posed by intestinal worms. Deworming is common for children, adults, and animals.

The Science Behind Deworming: What You Need to Know?

Let's see the science behind deworming and its significance; we need to know in this article.

How do intestinal worms behave?

Intestinal worms such as soil-transmitted helminths, or STHs, come through the soil. Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, pinworms, and whipworms are prevalent forms of gastrointestinal parasites. These are all parasitic worms that live and multiply in the human intestine.

How does an infection with intestinal worms develop?

· In the human diet, STHs are parasites fed through and dwell in human intestines. Each day, these intestinal worms lay hundreds of eggs, then excreted by the diseased person.

· The fecal matter carrying the STH eggs interacts with the soil when an infected person urinates in the open. 

· People who ingest fruits and vegetables that have not been adequately cooked or properly washed may become infected with STH. Vegetables and fruits cultivated in this soil will also contain parasite eggs. 

· Intestinal parasite worms can also get into the body if a person handles contaminated dirt and doesn't thoroughly wash their hands before eating or if one consumes water that the feces of an infected individual have tainted.

· These factors make STH infections particularly prevalent in areas with inadequate sanitation and hygiene, particularly in tropical climes, while they can also affect children and adults living in metro areas.

Intestinal Worm Symptoms

Worm infestation is a prevalent issue; therefore, you should know its signs. Children (and adults) with intestinal worm infections exhibit some or all of the following symptoms:

· surrounding the anal entrance itching

· abdominal pain

· reduced appetite

· wheeze and coughing

· Fever

· Growth retardation in children

· stool with worms 

Do gastrointestinal worm infections pose a risk?

· Yes. Untreated intestinal worm infections can damage a person's health over time.

Worms can result in

· Malnutrition and anemia (caused by the worms absorbing the human-directed nutrition

· Diarrhea

· abdominal prolapse

· intense stomach discomfort

· children's physical and psychological growth impediments

Can you get rid of intestinal worms?

Antiparasitic drugs can certainly treat illnesses brought on by intestinal worms. When an intestinal worm infection has been identified, doctors administer deworming medications.

How are these medications taken?

Oral antiparasitic medications are deworming medicines to treat or prevent worm infestations. They come in the form of pills or tablets. Depending on the child's age, the drug and dose may change.

What are the side effects do antiparasitic medications have?

Typically, antiparasitic medications don't have any severe negative 

· effects. However, only a tiny minority of people might have mild migraine Fever

· Nausea

· abdominal pain

· Dizziness

The medicine, however, can cause adverse responses in certain people.

What issues do you need to bring up with your doctor?

Some anti-worm medications may interfere with those used to treat other conditions. If either you or your child is taking medicine for:

· kidney dysfunction 

· neurological conditions

· a liver conditions

· Myelosuppression (a decline in bone marrow activity)

Similarly, those trying to get pregnant, nursing, and pregnant women should tell their doctors before taking deworming medications.

Is it possible to prevent parasitic worm infections?

Yes, it is possible to avoid the presence of intestinal worms. Several items to consider are:

Use the sanitary restrooms inside. When you go outside, put on shoes or slippers.

· You should wash the fruits and vegetables and Cook them at the right temperature. 

· Refrain from eating raw food brought in from the outdoors.

· Cooking, serving, and dining utensils should all be well-cleaned.

· Before preparing food or eating, properly wash your hands with soap and water.

· Boil water must used for cooking and drinking.

·  maintained Cleaned and well-trimmed nails

· After working with the earth, properly wash your hands.

What does National Deworming Day involve?

The Government of India releases deworming guidelines because it recognizes the critical need to deworm children so that worm infestations do not negatively impact their health and engagement in school in every state and union territory in the nation. 

The 10th of February is recognized as National Deworming Day each year to raise awareness of worms' health risks and encourage deworming as many kids as possible in the 1-19 age range (preschool and school). 

Children from government schools are given antiparasitic medications to ensure the success of this deworming effort. 

The first National Deworming Day, or NDD, was held in 2015. That year, 8.9 crore children received deworming medications, resulting in an 85% coverage rate. The proportion of coverage has gradually increased in succeeding years.

Do adults need to get dewormed?

Of course, parasitic worms can also harm adults. Doctors give adults who need to be dewormed oral antiparasitic medications. The treatment typically produces results within a week.

Deworming for pets: It's crucial to remember that parasitic worms might also infect your cherished pets. Intestinal worms spread by fleas are prevalent in dogs and cats. Worm eggs are likely to enter their bodies because their paws frequently come into contact with soil. Cats or dogs eating diseased meat containing worm eggs can contract intestinal worms. 

Worms in your pets' intestines, if not treated, can cause

· Anaemia

· Malnutrition

· loss of power and vigor

· (In rare instances) heart failure

For pets, there are many over-the-counter deworming choices. Additionally, you can ask your pet's doctor to suggest a few medications. To determine if your pet has worms, look out for these signs:

· Vomiting Lethargic

· reduced appetite

· rapid loss of weight

· Lacklustre coat. 

Deworming your pet is essential for both your health and your pet's. Your household is more likely to mistakenly eat contaminated food if you and your pets eat dog or cat droppings. After that, the worms will enter the intestines of people.


The effects of intestinal worms on a person's health can be severe. The good news is that you can use oral medication for therapy, which is quick and efficient. Preserve your hygiene and refrain from open defecation. Watch out for signs if you have kids, and consult your doctor for the best guidance.