Scoliosis Support: Elevating Life through Physical Therapy

Has someone you love received a scoliosis diagnosis? When the doctor discussed their condition with you, you may have felt overwhelmed.

Scoliosis Support: Elevating Life through Physical Therapy

You likely heard of several treatment options, from surgery to physical therapy. To make an informed decision, you may have started researching physical therapy Carrboro. This is what you should know about scoliosis and physical therapy.

What Is Scoliosis

Scoliosis is typically diagnosed during adolescence. It is a curve in the spinal cord. Individuals with other diseases, such as muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, may lead to scoliosis, but many other causes have unknown causes.

Curvatures may be the result of vertebrae with incorrect shape (congenital scoliosis), scoliosis caused by other neuromuscular conditions (neuromuscular scoliosis) and idiopathic scoliosis, but the cause of this type is unknown. Spine curvatures can be mild or so severe that they become disabling. They may also impact other organs in the chest, such as the lungs, if the curve restricts chest space.

Scoliosis symptoms include uneven shoulders and waist. The spine may also stick out on one side when the body bends over. The ribcage or one shoulder blade may appear to jut out, and one of the hips could be higher. The spine may also twist or curve to the side. This could cause one side of the body to appear more prominent. Scoliosis may also cause numbness, poor reflexes and muscle weakness.

Scoliosis Therapies

Physicians often use X-rays to diagnose scoliosis and monitor its progression. In many cases, those with mild curvatures do not require treatments. As maturity sets in, bones stop growing, so progression slows or ceases. For those still growing, braces often have the greatest impact. However, significantly large curves may require surgery. Chiropractor treatments, electrical stimulation, softer braces and physical therapy are also therapies.

The Transformative Effects of Physical Therapy

When you research physical therapy near me, you should understand how these therapies can help your loved one. First, scoliosis can cause severe pain, and these therapies can reduce or relieve this pain. In addition, physical therapy can reduce disease progression or prevent further curvature of the spine.

This disorder also makes it difficult to move, bend and twist the spine. Physical therapy can improve mobility in your spine and upper body. Because the focus is strengthening the muscles around the spine, it receives greater support and your loved one’s posture improves through therapies.

Physical Therapy Evaluation

When you go into a physical therapy appointment, your loved one will receive an initial evaluation. First, the therapist will assess posture and range of motion in the spine. These professionals also evaluate functional mobility in general. They address strength and balance challenges. Finally, they assess how your loved one’s lungs function as a result of the curvature of the spine.

Types of Physical Therapy for Scoliosis

After the evaluation, the physical therapist will develop a customized treatment plan. Physical therapists may have your loved one perform pelvic tilts, abdominal presses, balancing on one leg, planks and the cat and camel exercise. Stretches also help. In addition, these professionals may guide your loved one to wear a brace when he or she is not in therapy.

As you continue your research, develop questions for a physical therapy in Boone NC to prepare yourself and your loved one for this challenge.