Apple lays off 600+ employees after canceling "Project Titan"

Soon after canceling a much-awaited product the “Project Titan” Apple is laying off more than 600 employees in California.

Apple lays off 600+ employees after canceling "Project Titan"

The exact number of employees getting fired from Apple is about “614” while many other employees who were working for “Project Titan” an electric car project by Apple will be reassigned to Apple’s AI efforts or its Home Robots Project.

Apple published a notification which is available on WARN to share details with the affected employees saying the layoffs will go into effect on May 27 this year.

The news comes after Apple canceled two of its most anticipated projects, an electric car, and a next-generation display development project probably for the Apple Watch and iPhone as well as other Apple products.

According to a report by Bloomberg, most of the employees who laid off from Apple in this major layoffs coming from Apple since the pandemic were working for Project Titan, and a few of them were assigned to Apple’s display development project.

In Short:

  1. Apple laid off over 600 California employees due to canceled projects.
  2. Projects canceled include their electric car initiative (Project Titan) and next-generation Apple Watch display development.
  3. This marks Apple's first major round of job cuts since the pandemic.

Apple’s canceled car project is a warning sign of Apple’s downfall as it was a project on which Apple had been working for over a decade it was started in 2014 and without giving any glimpse of the actual car or anything related to a vehicle it got canceled in February 2024.

However, these 614 employees who are being laid off from Apple were working in Santa Clara, California and these are the first major job cuts by Apple since the pandemic but probably a huge one for the world's #1 tech company.