The City of Calgary has a new brand "Blue Sky City"

The City of Calgary has a new brand "Blue Sky City"

Consulting with more than 129 organizations, Calgary Economic Development unveiled the all-new slogan for the City of Calgary, and it's more exciting than the previous “be part of the energy” brand from 2015.

The new brand (slogan) for the city of Calgary is “Blue Sky City.”

Not just a new brand name, Calgary Economic Development also got $1.8 million with the $3 million 2022 Calgary Tourism fund for the city to embrace the new brand plan with a four-year of planned changes for the betterment of Canada’s sunniest city.

Saying that “Blue Sky City” is a perfect title for the city’s changing dynamic Ady said:

“We welcome all the things that have made us strong to this point, but we also welcome the things that are going to take us to that next strength.”

Taking this to the next level, Joel Cowley (CEO of the Calgary Stampede) also shared his remarks saying:

“We feel this brand is very fitting for the Calgary Stampede as the greatest outdoor show on earth. By definition, most of our experiences occur under Calgary’s blue sky.”

While others are confident in this change and a renamed to Calgary’s brand, Anila Umar who’s the president and also the CEO of Centre for Newcomers Calgary said:

“This is a way forward for all of us to say, ‘These are our values, this is what we want.’ We are not going to let geopolitics, we are not going to let hate, we are not going to let divisiveness come into our city.”

She proudly believes that Calgary is on the right path to achieving its goal as a great city in Canada and also an iconic city around the globe.