How to Unlock Your Creative Writing Potential with Brainwriting Technique

The generation of ideas is important for any business. There is always a need for new methods and approaches for different spheres of activity.

The success of any business, scientific, advertising or other campaigns or projects strongly depends on the originality and practicability of people who are suggesting their ideas and solutions.

In order to provide the needed results, one should generate and compile as many ideas as it is possible.

In such way, there will be a rich choice out of the possible solutions or improvements.

Therefore, many people implement special techniques that are targeted at creating ideas. One of such is the brainstorming technique.

Brainwriting is a very peculiar creative-thinking technique, which is one of the types of brainstorming.

This is a silent process of writing and finding the needed ideas in a group. It was very popular in Germany in the 70s. Nevertheless, there is no evidence whether this technique was invented in that country.
How to Unlock Your Creative Writing Potential: Brainwriting Technique

There are two basic types of brainwriting: nominal (people write their suggestions in groups but do not share them) and interacting (people write their ideas and share this information with other members to provide stimulation).

The whole process is based on the idea of generating as many alternatives as possible to resolve a definite problem or to improve something. People simply put down on the paper all their suggestions, share with them or don’t (everything depends on the chosen type) and pick up the most suitable concept.

The process will require some time and it is necessary to organize brainwriting technique in a proper way.

You should follow the next steps:
  1.     Set a goal/problem. Firstly, you should introduce the problem you are facing or a certain objective you wish to reach or improve. Thus, the participants will not what to work out.
  2.     Prepare the sheets. Decide on a definite type of paper so that participants could write on it.
  3.     Gather all participants. They are supposed to write their concepts in the same room gathered around a table.
  4.     Define the time. You should set a definite period of time during which the participants should introduce their ideas.
  5.     Exchange the sheets. After the required time passes, each participant should push his/her sheet to the neighbor.
  6.     Additional ideas. After the exchange is finished, each participant should add other three ideas to the list of his/her neighbor.
  7.     Continue until the end. The exchange of ideas should continue until all the people who participate in this activity write their ideas on each sheet of paper.
  8.     Find the solution. The last stage is to gather all the papers, read aloud all the suggestions and after a discussion, select the most suitable one.
Generally, such process is called the 635 technique because there are 6 participants who write their ideas in 5 minutes each turn and the number of their ideas is 3.

However, you may change the rules in accordance with your personal preferences.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Technique

Each method has its own peculiarities. In all cases, there will be surely two sides of the medal. The chosen method will include both pros and cons. Brainwriting is no exception and there are positive and negative aspects as well.
To advantages are referred several important benefits. First of all, this technique allows discovering new perspectives. The selected people introduce their own point of view concerning a target or problem and provide you with various concepts.

At times, you may discover some unseen problems as well. While writing and reading the suggestions, one may find that there are some other vital problems that appeared obvious only after offering new concepts.

Another crucial benefit from this activity is the comfort and equality of each participant. There will be no immediate judgment and discussion of the ideas of a participant. Each will be able to express his/her opinion. It is convenient for people who fear the public speeches or discussions.

This is especially beneficial for introverts. Finally, you will have some time to write is an absolute silence.

There are some disadvantages. This process will require some time. Even though one may write all the possible ideas and concepts in some 30 minutes, it is likewise needed some time to choose the best suggestion.

Some ideas may lack originality. Unfortunately, some people prefer “quantity”, not “quality”. They simply write the needed number of ideas to fill the empty space. Moreover, some suggest utopian ideas, which are ineffective or simply impossible.

At times, some people don’t wish to accept the solutions proposed by their colleagues and simply deny them regardless of how perspective they might be.

Regardless of all possible pitfalls, advantages easily outweigh disadvantages. The possibility of receiving lots of creative and effective is actually huge.

The process runs easy and doesn’t get anybody’s nerves. All the potential problems happen rarely and they can be easily resolved. Your objective is to organize this process properly.

Choose really original participants who really wish to help your project. Commonly, these people show great tolerance in regard to their colleagues and there will be no quarrels, but reasonable discussions.

The potential of brainwriting technique is great and it can provide you with multiple benefits.

It would be reasonable to implement this kind of generating ideas from time to time and combine with some other techniques.

Guest contribution by: Petra Mainer a student and freelance writer. She started writing short stories a long time ago, and now she is eager to become a regular contributor for different inspiration and motivation blogs. You can follow her on Twitter @PetraMainer or visit her blog on GradeScout.