How To Get Quality Traffic To Your Website/Blog - 5 tips
Quality traffic management is only thing which can promote your website/blog in public. And with public promotion we can easily get it done to have high amount of traffic. There are many articles available for key tips on generating traffic, but hope I can give you the basic and working tips.
A blog with huge traffic can make money and reputation for its owner. Many newbies are busy in finding best solution of this problem. Therefore I come up and ready to give you amazing and working tips on Getting Quality Traffic To Your Website/Blog.
First of all: Choose a best niche which will suite you. Like, if you own a blog on health niche and you are a doctor or an student of health related course, then you can easily update your blog with new topics.
Pay or Do it: There are many web-designers available to design your blog. You can also do it yourself. For professional web-design hire a pro designer from
Audit your Blog: Using powerful tools (Google analytics, CrazyEgg, RankTracker etc) we can get reports and can audit our blogs. Then! we can give an awesome touch to our blogs/sites.
Daily Time on Site: Increase the volume of your traffic visiting time by adding a video. This will also increase your sharing points across social medias.

1. Daily Content Updates
A blog updated on daily basis have visitor's trust and reputation on internet. Search engines loves the fresh content "fresh content is daily updated content".First of all: Choose a best niche which will suite you. Like, if you own a blog on health niche and you are a doctor or an student of health related course, then you can easily update your blog with new topics.
2. Awesomeness of Design
With a great web-design you can get more traffic. You know why Google is incredibly famous ? I think 80% credit goes to simple and elegant design of Google's homepage. People love it.Pay or Do it: There are many web-designers available to design your blog. You can also do it yourself. For professional web-design hire a pro designer from
3. Socializing Your Blog
Many people call it SMO. It is very important thing for now. With more social signals we can get higher traffic. Don't waste your time on adding more friends and poking them. Earn some social signal from your social media profiles.
Add a Link: You have Facebook ID, Twitter, Google+ and many others. Why you don't add your blog's link in it ?
4. Use Measurement Tools
There are many measurement tools available online free and paid. With the measurement tools we can easily generate a full report about our blogs like stats, backlinks, authority and more.Audit your Blog: Using powerful tools (Google analytics, CrazyEgg, RankTracker etc) we can get reports and can audit our blogs. Then! we can give an awesome touch to our blogs/sites.
5. Add a Video
This is a trendy tip, many pro bloggers are getting horrible traffic by adding single video into all blog posts. This is also a easy method. There are many free videos-sharing websites available to embed any video in your blog posts. You can also create yours.Daily Time on Site: Increase the volume of your traffic visiting time by adding a video. This will also increase your sharing points across social medias.
Final Words
So! These 5 tips are richly best. If you implement great strategy then you can go higher. Stay tuned we will add some spicy tips latter :) Happy Blogging!