Tips for Better Content Writing from 14 Famous Authors

If you are reading this then you are already on the way of becoming a great author yourself.

Here you will find what you have never hoped for.

You are going to have an opportunity to communicate with classic and modern authors and receive great tips right from their pen.

You may not want to be a bestseller writer, but you know that writing is a very powerful skill that is necessary to have when you are starting a new career or you just want to help your kids with their writing assignments.

So don't wait and read what they are saying.
Tips for Better Content Writing from 14 Famous Authors
Here’s what the great would have said.

1. “Treat writing as a job” by Sarah Waters

Writing was indeed a job to this great woman. But her words are useful to everyone who isn’t too creative to stay at the desk even for an hour.

She says that setting a goal of 500 or 100 words a day, or whatever your potential is, is a very good start. By doing this you will become more disciplined.

You may write badly but, at least you will go forward with your writing. Besides, it is always easier to check and correct what you have written and make it better the next day from a fresh start.

2. "Protect the time, and space in which you write."  By Zadie Smith

Keep everybody away from your writing zone, even the people who are most important to you.

3. "In the planning stage of a book, don't plan the ending" By  Rose Tremain

The ending has to base on what your writing is about. It has to be earned by the experience that you gain while you work on the story.

Keep in unpredictable even to yourself.

4. “Don’t water it down” by Franz Kafka

Don’t be afraid to be too emotional or too open for the reader.

Don’t simplify your writing and don’t make it too logical. Create your own fashion of wiring.

5. “Work inspires inspiration” by Michael Crichton

Perhaps the tip seems a bit tautological, but it is true. Don’t stop working, whatever the result.

Work if you succeed and work if you fail.

Work if you are bored and if you are excited.

6. “Don’t think critically when you are trying to write” by John Updike

In other words, don’t overthink every sentence that you write.

Imagine your characters in the scenery saying your words and it all will fit together wonderfully.

7. “Never use a long word where a short one will do” by George Orwell

A simple advice by this wise man also states that if it’s possible to cut the word out, cut it out.

8. “Forget the books you would like to write and think of the book you are writing” by Henry Miller

Be creative and imaginative, but don’t try to resemble the great artists.

Let the reader see your unique vision.

9. “The first draft is as bad as the book is going to be” by Robin Stevens

Work and work on you writing until there is nothing to cut out and nothing to add, just the pure beauty of words.

Don’t worry if you are constantly redrafting your work, hesitating is the mother of truth, keep working until you see that you have created something beautiful.

10. “Read!” by Chris Bradford

Don’t copy the great authors, but use their work as an inspiration tool. Fill up all the room that you have in your brain with new words and ideas.

Learn what works and what doesn’t work in writing. In order to become an author, plunge into the world of writing.

11. “Don’t give up” by John Dougherty

Even the books that you consider to be masterpieces had to wait up to 20 years before they got published.

Don’t be afraid to be rejected by the world. Keep on working no matter how long it is going to take.

12. “Write the book that you're desperate to read” by Keren Davis

Love your characters. Finish your writing at a point where you desperately want to know what happens next and try to keep writing like that every day.

13. “Keep generating new writing and new ideas” by Michelle Thomas

Write every idea that you have. Don’t hesitate to write even stupid ideas, your writing will never be perfect to you.

Like it happened many times to great authors, an idea may even come to you at night and turn out to be something brilliant. You will always have time to go back and correct your thoughts and ideas.

14. “Write because you love writing” by Benet Brandreth

Don’t write because of the big honorarium you may receive or something that authorship promises. Be passionate about your writing.

Only you will see most of what you write and that should be enough for you as an award.

The experience of famous writers shows that even they had tough time writing. They struggled through sleepless nights, suffered from lack of ideas and spent countless hours of redrafting.

But their work also shows that they have managed to deliver the books that inspired you to try yourself at writing.

So the main advice would be to stop putting off and embark on this beautiful journey.

Ignore all the tips you have found and tried out, ignore even this one. Find your own unique way of writing. Most importantly, let the readers see the real you.
Guest contribution by: Anna Blanch, content manager and writer at