How to Remove Stretch Marks Quickly: 8 Secret Natural Remedies
Searching for how to get rid of stretch marks fast naturally from your bum, arms, or even stretch marks on your breast then don't worry about it and stop your search as we have this great list of top and best 8 natural remedies which can cure your stretch marks disease/problem.
Getting rid of stretch marks is easy and we can do it with different things which we are going to reveal here as they are still kept secret by many experts who want to earn money by giving you these ideas. As you know that after some hormonal imbalance or certain disease stretch marks can start showing in different areas of the human body also when someone gains or lose weight or join the gym stretch marks can be seen.
The Biggest reason for stretch marks is Pregnancy and almost every woman has to fight with stretch marks after pregnancy.

So that if you are here to know how to remove stretch marks after pregnancy then it's the best article for you to have natural remedies for stretch marks.
Don't worry if your stretch marks are old and people are saying that they will be on your belly or anywhere else unless you die, as is wrong and everybody can get rid of stretch marks and don't use any anti-striae cremes when you have these really amazing and effective natural remedies brought to you by with our first edition of health tips:
1. Water
Water is essential for human life and every person has to drink it many times a day to live a beautiful and healthy life also water is what makes you hydrated. The best thing is when you drink enough water your skin will become more bright, elastic, and soft so that moisturizing will be with you to stay away from stretch marks. As dry skin can easily cause some problems like wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, and even pimples.

Drinking plenty of water is good for this, so drink at least 9 glasses of water on a daily basis to get rid of stretch marks naturally.
2. Aloe vera
The best function of Aloe vera is to lean your skin and make it elastic so it can be responsive to stretch marks and also Aloe vera helps us to resolve skin issues as its rich in collagen and its antioxidants properties can repair damaged skin cells and also Aloe vera restores skin tissue and heal it with all-natural process.

It's important to check Aloe vera for your skin as it can be allergic so get a small amount of Aloe vera gel and apply on your wrist or finger to see that its not allergic to you and if you feel better than get more gel and apply on the stretch marks than after leaving it for 20 - 25 minutes rinse with soft warm water.
3. Castor Oil
Castor oil is another great home remedy and is available freely in the entire world to almost every human. It's rich in ricinoleic acid so it helps naturally to heal stretch marks and dead skin. Ayurveda from India and Hakeem from Pakistan also recommend using castor oil for stretch marks and also homeopathy suggests this remedy is useful. Castor oil is also rich in fatty acids and helps to moisturize skin where the stretch mark is and it's the best low-cost remedy for striae.

Using castor oil is not that easy task, you have to apply castor oil on the affected area of your skin and then cover up the area with a soft plastic or fabric sheet and warm the sheet with some hot water in a bottle by rubbing on the plastic sheet or fabric sheet and do it for 25 to 30 minutes per day for a week to see visible results.
4. Lemon Juice
To make your stretch marks fade out quickly you can use Lemon juice as its natural acidic properties helps us to lighten the color of stretch marks and boost the process of fading stretch marks from human skin also Vitamin C in lemon juice helps the body to produce more collagen which makes the skin more elastic and responsive.

Its simple to apply lemon juice on your skin, just get some lemon juice in your hands and then softly apply it on the area of stretch marks if it's on your breast then leave your nipples and keep the juice on the skin for 15 minutes then wash it away with soft and warm water.
5. Coconut Oil
If you are very quick to remove stretch marks completely from your skin then leave this remedy and read next and if you want to make your stretch marks look not bad by removing their red appearance like an injury use essential oils and the best of them is "coconut oil" as its rich in Lauric acid which helps in repairing damaged skin cells and healing the skin more quickly than other natural stretch marks remedies.

Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (take more if the area is broader) and massage on the stretch mark and keep on the massage until it's fully absorbed than cover it with fabric and repeat it on daily basis for a week to see some results.
6. Sugar Scrub
Exfoliating dead skin cells is what helps to get rid of stretch marks and sugar scrub can do it very well. But its best when you have cured stretch marks and now want to get rid of their dead skin cells which are making the appearance of cured skin bad. As Microdermabrasion is a proven method to reduce striae and sugar scrubbing can increase blood circulation which will naturally get the stretch marks and dead cells out of your skin.

Mix some sugar in 1 cup of water and add more until you get a paste and then massage it on your stretch mark area smoothly. Leave it for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water and do it at least 3 times a week to see visible results.
7. Vitamin A
Vitamin A can easily stop your skin to show up stretch marks, but one thing here - you have to take Vitamin A when stretch marks are in starting phase and also if you are sure that you will get stretch marks after your pregnancy as your mother got them also than start eating Vitamin A after the birth.

You can easily consume Vitamin A without taking drugs and pills by eating natural foods (vegetables) and fruits like fresh carrots, eggs, fish (fish oil) and animal liver or some dairy products.
8. Egg Whites
No doubts that egg whites can do wonders for various human skin problems and when it comes to curing stretch marks or if someone wants to get rid of stretch marks naturally the best remedy is to use egg whites as they are rich in proteins and helps our skin to regenerate cells and collagen in egg whites also help the skin to be more responsive.

Just whip some egg whites from 2/3 eggs and apply on your stretch marks area with your fingers and soft massage it for 1/2 minutes then leave the area open. When the skin is dry and you can feel that it is tightened now than wash the skin with warm water and do it at-least 2 times a day. Also after doing this apply any natural moisturizer on the affected area.
As many women want to know 100% effective home remedies for stretch marks, we have introduced some of the best remedies here and if you have applied any of the above on yourself then tell us and if you have any other great remedy to get rid of stretch marks or even fade them than please comment below.