What To Do When Your Home Office Isn't Cutting It Anymore

The life of an entrepreneur can have its perks. Working from home is one of them.
When you are working for yourself, you are in a consultancy style role, and you don’t need to move to separate premises to carry out your work, a home office can be idyllic.
However, for some people venturing alone into the world of business, a home office can be the stuff of nightmares. Take a look at why your home office might not be cutting it anymore.
You Procrastinate
The joy of having a home office to retreat to when answering emails, organizing Skype meetings and getting your head down to create a stunning presentation to win the business of a lucrative client, can also be a hindrance.While the thought of having a quiet and peaceful part of the home in which to settle down to work sounds good, the reality is that you may find yourself scrolling through Facebook more than ever before, watching an obscene amount of funny kitten videos and catching up on way too much-rolling news.
Procrastination can affect anyone, but if you can’t control this beast, then it might be time to forget the home office and make your working environment a tad more official.
You Are Expanding
So, you are finally seeing the rewards of your hours spent honing your contacts list, networking and fulfilling orders on time.Your client list is growing by the second, orders a booming and you rapidly need to take on staff. While your home office is large, it might not be vast enough to house a small team of marketing executives, an SEO specialist, and HR bods. You need to surrender the luxury of a pajama day or two and seek out some office space. Townsville Office Furniture experts NPS advise that the most common reason new businesses seek an office space, is space. A home office is great, but when staff numbers increase it simply can’t hold all the necessary office furniture for everyone to work comfortably and efficiently.
By searching Proplist, you will have access to the highest quality commercial premises to meet your requirements. You could find an office location in the center of the city with plenty of much-needed footfall, or you could opt for a little more space out of town for your budget. The choice is yours.
Stock Is Piling Up
If you are an eBay entrepreneur or you have your own craft business, and the orders are flooding in, you may find yourself with an astronomical amount of stock.While custom made tee shirts might be relatively compact, three thousand of them might not be meaning that you need to source warehouse space to store your goods. Warehouses and storage units can be relatively cheap to lease, and if you share with a fellow entrepreneur, the rental rates can be halved.
You need to try and locate the ideal size of the storage area so that you aren’t wasting your lease payments on dead space.
Understanding your business, how you project your future growth, and knowing when you will need to take on staff will dictate the longevity of your home office requirements.
If your home office isn’t cutting it anymore, it might be time to work elsewhere.