The Relevancy Of Print Marketing Today

There is little getting away from the boom in Internet marketing methods.

From search engine optimization to email marketing, to PPC advertising, to social media optimization; the methods are vast and they are all extremely effective.

However, this has led to a lot of people to believe that print marketing is no longer needed. Many companies are completely eradicating their print advertising campaign altogether.

Is this wise?

Most marketing professionals will tell you that it is not. A healthy mixture of online and offline marketing is always the recommended route to go down.

This will always be the case as well because print holds some distinct advantages over the internet and therefore it is still a useful tool to have at your disposal.

One of the distinct benefits you will gain by utilizing print advertising stems from the fact that it is tangible. Leaflets, brochures, posters, business cards, newsletters and alike can all be picked up and touched.

The same goes for the labels that are printed on our products via a label printing equipment supplier.

Why is this beneficial?

Well, it means that once the leaflet, for example, is posted through the door it can then be picked up and put on the individual’s coffee table. They can leave it and then have a browse over it at a more convenient time.

This is something that the internet will never be able to boast. When you stumble across a website you may see a banner at the top of the screen.

Unless this intrigues you immensely you are not going to click on it then and there – especially if you see the banner at an inconvenient time, such as when you are at work. Thus, the advert is lost forever. The impact is only felt there and then whereas print advertising is more flexible.

Another benefit of print advertising is the fact that it can be targeted. You can send your brochure to those who you think would be interested in your campaign – your target consumer base.

This is something that is extremely difficult to do via the internet.

Of course, you can have targeted email campaigns but you actually need the individual to sign up to your newsletter or to give you consent to email them, thus this proves to be a lot more difficult. In terms of internet advertising, once your banner is out there it can be seen by whoever.

There is no way of targeting your campaign. This means that you are likely to have a higher chance of conversion with print marketing in this sense.

This is because it is more likely that those who are viewing your business adverts are actually interested in your company and the products/services you sell.

These are the two distinct advantages which print marketing holds over internet advertising.

This remains the case even in the digital age.

Featured image via Pixabay