From Small Seeds

This is exactly the right moment for you to start getting ready to go to the next level.
Don’t wait for business to start floundering before you take a look at your marketing techniques, instead build on the successful start you’ve made and see where some simple changes might take you.
In this short article, we take a look at what you can do level-up your small business and start turning into a force to be reckoned with.
Talk to Customers
Sure, you get regular feedback from your customers but what do you do with that feedback?Are you in the habit of using it to change any policies or practices you might have or does it get relegated to the ‘some other time’ pile?
That time is now! If you’re looking to boost your sales then talk to the customers you already have, targeting this group is far easier than having to recruit new customers so make the most of them.
Send out a direct mail questionnaire or even, if you have the time, select a few to talk to at random. Ask them how they feel about your product or service. Engage with them and turn that engagement into sales later down the line.
Up Your Tech Game
Yes, you’ve got your website and you’re pretty happy with the way that runs but why not bring your business flying into the 21st century by creating an app.It doesn’t need to be a complicated exercise but it does have to be good and useful for your customer. Don’t make something just for the sake of it. Deliver an app that has real benefits for those using it. Make it quicker to order products, easier to get in touch with you and so on.
If an app isn’t for you then what could you do to improve customer experience on your webpage? Think about installing a bot that will deal with customer service enquiries and funnel those enquiries through to a sales point.
Think Outside The Social Media Box
You’ve covered the list when it comes to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn but you need to up your game.Think about how to use platforms like Facebook better creating facebook group engagement posts and so on. If you’re not sure how to go about this, you might want to get in a social media marketing agency to boost your marketing activities for real results.
There’s no time to rest and sit back, it’s time to see where a little creative thinking and investment can take your business.
From social media marketing that gets people talking about your product to an app that gives your customers exactly the kind of experience, they’re looking for. It’s time to level-up your business and find new, innovative ways of reaching existing customers.
Prepare to succeed and see your business change and grow as your time and investment really starts to pay off.