800+ Good Sewing Company Names
Going to open your tailoring shop? or a full-service sewing business? this is where you need to be for a while. As you will need a business name suggestion for sure and our list of over 800+ good sewing company names that are rememberable, unique, catchy and creative can help you find the perfect name for your clothing and sewing company.

We did the hard for you by categorizing the lists of best sewing company name ideas by alphabetical order so that you can easily read and enjoy a great brainstorming experience.
Awesome Sewing Company Names:
- A Better Sewing
- A+ Ds Sewing
- AQ Sewing Co.
- A Quilter’s Folly
- A to Z Sew Vac
- A-1 Sewing Center
- AAA Sewing Machine Services
- Aaron International
- Aryana Sewing & More
- AeronEight
- Aeronna Sewing & More
- Affordable Sewing Machine
- Akn Fabrics Inc
- Albert Patches
- Aleto’s Alterations
- Alex Tailor Shop
- Alexandra’s Custom Draperies
- Alex’s Reweaving
- Alex’s True Cutting
- All About Bikes Sewing
- All About Sewing
- All tied up
- Allsaints
- All Sew LLC
- Alpha Tailor Shop
- Alphabate
- AlphaPatches Tailoring
- Alteration Shop
- Amaziya Sewing & More
- American Industries Co.
- American Sewing Supply
- Angel Tailoring Shop
- Anyline
- Apel’s New Day Tailor Shop
- Artek Sewing Supplies
- ArtsySpace
- ArtyKnot Sewing Co.
- As You Like
- Assertive Creativity, LLC
- Astoria Fashion Fabrics
- Attractive Tailoring Shop
- Austin Upholstery Studio
Best Sewing Company Names:
- Banner Connection LLC
- Barters Busy Bee Cottage
- Bates Embroidery
- Beaches Sewing
- Bead + Fiber
- Beautiful Quilt Fabric
- Because I Said Sew
- BehindBits Sewing
- BehindBits Sewing & More
- Bernina Repairs & Services
- Best It! Co.
- Best Stitch Tailoring
- Betsy Davis Backdrops
- BetterOne Sewing Co.
- Bettertex Interiors Inc.
- Bettertex Workshop
- Beyond Alteration
- Big Dog Sewing
- Big Imagine
- Bird Road Sewing
- Bits of Thread LLC
- BlackSheep Sewing Co.
- Blessed Bobbins
- Blissbay Crafting
- Blossom baby
- Blossom Sewing Group Company
- Bobbin and Ink
- Body Stitch Fashion
- BOLT Sewing
- Bolt & Spool
- Bordernet Sewing Inc.
- Brilliant Needles
- Brooklyn Stitchery
- BrookWella Sewing & More
- Brother Sewing & Knitting Machine Centre
- Brown Treasure
- Brunschwig & Fils Inc
- Bunny’s Designs
- Buttons Studio
Catchy Sewing Company Names:
- C & SK Fashion
- Calico Station Quilt Shop
- California Thread & Supply
- Cambridge Quilt Shop
- Caravan Custom Sewing
- Cardinal Quarters
- CassaGram Sewing Co.
- Catchy Sewing Company
- Cathy’s Sew & Vac
- Chair Care Patio
- Chang Seong Sewing Machine Inc
- Charlotte Sewing
- Chatswood Sewing Centre
- Cherished Beauty
- Chester Sewing
- Cinnamon Quilt Shoppe
- City Sewing Co.
- City Sewing Machine Corp
- CityDarlin Sewing Co.
- CityFever Sewing & More
- CityGood Sewing Co.
- CityPlay Co.
- CitySpires
- CitySpruce Sewing & More
- Classex Sewing & More
- Classic Tailoring Institute
- Classy Sewing Company
- Clementine
- Clever Sewing Company
- Clothes Doctor
- Colonell Sewing
- Colossa Sewing & More
- Cool Sewing Company
- Cool Spool
- CoolQuick Sewing Co.
- Corona Sewing Center
- Cosmic Bobbins
- Cosmos Alteration
- Cottage Threads Slipcovers
- Cotton Crafters
- Cotton Cupboard
- CottonRay
- Cozy Olde Sewing Co.
- CozyCanvas
- CozyDazzle
- CozyKind Sewing Co.
Creative Sewing Company Names:
- CraftoSpice Sewing
- Crazy Castle Tailoring
- Crazy Moose Fabrics
- Crazy palette
- Crazy Wheel
- Create a Pillow
- Creations Stitching
- Creative Sewing Company
- Creative Sewing:
- Crocon Co.
- Crosscut Sewing Co.
- CrystalCraft Sewing
- Curl up Sewing & More
- Custom Alterations
- Custom Gynk Sewing Co.
- Custom Sewing Services
- CustomCozy
- CustomeElite
- Cut & Stitch Inc
- Cute Sewing Company
- Cutex
- Cutex Inc.
Delighting Sewing Company Names:
- D & J Sewing Center
- Daily Dude
- Darwing Tailor
- De Leon Express Tailoring
- Deb Did it Sewing
- December Thieves
- Denim Doctors
- Designer Boutique
- Designer Draperies
- Dezign Sewing
- Diana’s Sewing Boutique
- Digital sewing
- Discount Fabrics Truemart
- Discount Sewing Machine
- Discover Sewing
- DivineSpires
- Dr. Master’s Perfect Stitch Studio
- Drag & Wear
- Dream Dresser
- Dream Threads
- DreamTrim
- DuoCozy Sewing Co.
Extra Sewing Company Names:
- E. Alterations
- East Coast Trimming
- Eastern Embroidery
- Eastex Sewing Machine Co.
- Edward’s Tailor Shop
- Elegant Garments Inc
- Elegant Mode Tailoring
- Elite Clothes & tailor
- Elizabeth Machines Co
- Elizabeth Tailor Shop
- EllaEtsy Sewing Co.
- Elliott Berman Textiles
- Embro Crew
- EmbroCrew
- Encore Thread
- Enmossa Co.
- Esaie Couture Design School
- Everest Sewing
- Everfour Tailoring
- Executive Image Cleaners
- Exottica Sewing & More
Fantastic Sewing Company Names:
- Fabric Barn Corporation
- Fabric City Inc.
- Fabric Corner Inc
- Fabric Garden
- Fabric Kitchen
- Fabric Muse
- Fabric Place Basement
- Fabric special
- Fabric Traditions
- Fabric Zoo
- Fabricate Studios
- Fabrics & Fabrics
- Fabrics World
- Family Craft Center Inc
- Famous Tailoring
- Fanciful Me
- Fashion Wardrobe
- Fashion Workshops
- Fasthook Tailor
- Feather Thread Tailoring
- FeelGood Sewing Co.
- Feelmax Crafting
- FiberPins Sewing Co.
- Fierce Collections
- FiftyTen LLC
- Fineland Crotchet
- FinoFuzz Sewing Co.
- First Class Cleaners
- First Cut
- FirstFront Sewing Co.
- Fitting Rooms
- FiveStar Sewing Co.
- Flatiron Tailor Shop
- Florida Lace
- Flower Avenue
- Flypron Co.
- Fortuny, Inc.
- Four Seasons Alterations and Sewing
- Four Sisters Quilting
- Fran’s Tailor Shop
- Fulton Fabric
Good Sewing Company Names:
- G Street Fabrics
- Gardams Fabrics
- Garden Street Fabrics & Design
- Gather here Co,
- Gents Tailor Shop
- Get sewing
- Gettin Stitch Co.
- Giggle Sewing
- Gizmo Notion Corp.
- Globe Sewing Machine
- Go Bellish Sewing Co.
- Gold Attachment & Sewing Supply, Inc.
- Gold Finger Tailor
- Goldberg Supply Co
- Golden Rule Creations
- Golden Stitching
- Gorgeous Stych
- Gotham Quilts
- Greeks and More
- Green Threads Corporation
- GreenFeather
Sewing Company Names starting with H:
- H20 Delirious Dedication
- Hand Strands
- Handmade sews
- Hangers Cleaners
- Happy Fingers
- Happy Stitched Co.
- Happy Zip
- HappyMix
- HappyStitches
- HappyZip
- Harts Fabric
- Hashtag Clothing Sewing
- Havenly sewed
- Heart Sewing
- heaven Secrets
- Hecht Sewing Machine & Motor
- Heddy Freig
- Helix Cloth Roots
- Hemstitched Crafts
- High Society
- High Stitching
- HighFive Sewing Co.
- Hillhurst Cleaners
- HIlton Craft
- HipsterWool Sewing Co.
- HobbyGlide
- Hobbysew Hornsby Factory Outlet
- Hobbysew Kings Park
- Hobbysew Top Ryde
- Hollon
- Home Fashions U
- Honey Bee Quilt Store
- HuggleBerry Sewing Co.
Ideas for Sewing Company Names:
- Imagine Sewing
- In Stitches Sewing & Design
- Intown Quilters Fabric and Yarn
- Intra wear Co.
- It’s a Stitch
Sewing Company Names with J:
- J & A Fabrics
- Jack Textiles
- Janome Repairs & Services
- JazzyKnit
- Jenny’s Tailoring
- Jimmy Sewing Machine Services
- JOANN Fabrics and Crafts
- Joe Motl Sewing Machine Services
- Joe’s Fabrics
- Jordan The Tailor
- Joseph Gutman Associates
- Joss stitching
- JottinPurls
- Joyce Trimming Inc
- Joystick Crafts
- JoyStick Sewing Co.
- JP Knit & Stitch
- Just Sewing
Sewing Company Names starting with K:
- Katz Trimmings Shoppe
- Keel’s Kountry Kottage
- Kess Vacuum & Sewing Machine
- Kim’s Fashion Design
- KnitFun Sewing Co.
- KnitPixie Sewing Co.
- KnitsyHug
- KnittBee Sewing Co.
- KnittyWitty
- knitwnit Sewing Co.
- Knots of string
- Knovel Knit
- Kravet Inc
Lovely Sewing Company Names:
- La-Be-la tailor Shop
- Lace & Needle
- Ladies Tailoring Shop
- Lady Liza
- Lana Fabrics
- Laura’s Sewing School & More
- Layenna
- Leader Thread Corporation
- Lee Jofa
- Lichtenstein & Co
- Lift All Company Inc.
- LilyPosh
- Lincraft
- Lino Lensley
- Lion Brothers Co. Inc.
- Lockstitch & Lustre
- Logan’s Patchwork Fabrics
- London Lace
- Looksmart Alterations
- Lordana
- LoveLoop Sewing Co.
- LovingLips
- Lyn’s Fine Needlework
Memorable Sewing Company Names:
- M&J Trimming
- Mad Bobbins
- Made Sewing Studio
- Magic in the stitch
- Magic Needle
- Magic Seam
- Magic Stych
- Magic Thread Sewing Shoppe
- MagniZent Sewing & More
- main Street
- Make Workshop
- MakeMine
- Makerspace
- MakerSpace NYC
- Making it Sew Fun
- Manhattan, NYC Sewing Classes
- Manifest Wool
- Margarita’s Alterations
- Marie’s Sewing Center
- Marimekko Boston
- Martenna Sewing & More
- Marvella Stitch
- Mayport Alterations
- McGrew Studios
- Me Grace Crafting
- Me More Sewing
- MeGrace Crafting
- MeMore Sewing
- Memory Tales
- Mendel Goldberg Fabrics
- Men’s Fashion
- Mesa Alterations
- MetaCade Sewing Co.
- Metro Textile Corporation
- MidtownCurls
- Midwest Trim
- Mighty Pouch
- Miju Sewing USA Corporation
- Mini Needle
- Miss Apparel Tailor
- Mode Tailoring
- Moltonic Brothers Co.
- Monogram Cottage
- Mood Fabrics
- MoonMist Sewing Co.
- MorellMare
- Morris and Sons
- Mr. Sewing Machine
- My Hung Fabrics
- My Sewing Supplies
- Mystic Quilts
New Sewing Company Names:
- Nate the Tailor
- Needlework shop
- NeuWella
- New sewing
- New York Binding Co., Inc.
- New York Tailor Shop
- Newton Sewing Studio
- Newtown Sewing Centre
- Next Thread
- No Chintz
- North Polar Stitches
- NorthGrid
- Northwest Sewing Center
- Not Your Mama’s Quilt Store
- Nur Jahan Fabrics
Original Sewing Company Names:
- Oak Fabrics
- Oatley Cottage
- Ocean Fabric
- Ok Alteration
- OldBoyStitch
- Open Arms
- Open Road Leathers
- Orchard Express Tailor Shop
- Osborne & Little
- Our Fabric
- Over The Top Quilting Studio
Perfect Sewing Company Names:
- Pacific Trimming
- Pam’s Sewing & Alterations
- Panda International
- Patchwork expert
- Patchwork Posse
- PentaThread
- Perfect Cut
- PerfectFit
- PerfectoWay
- Peugma
- Pieced Together Studio
- Pink Poodle
- Pinkberry
- Pins and Needles
- PixelDreamer
- Plano Sewing Center
- Plush Fabric Studios Inc
- Positiva Stitch
- Pouch perfect
- preciousPOsh
- Precision Patterns
- Pretty Crafter
- Pretty Ruffles
- Pretty Threads
- Prism Designs
- PrivyKnit
- Pro Tailor
- Professionally Sewing
- Purl Soho
- PurpleVibe
Sewing Company Names starting with Q:
- Qbik Crafting
- Quality Alterations
- Quality Sewing
- Quilt N’ Sew
- QuiltCasters
- Quilters Source
- Quilter’s Guild
- QuiltQuest
- Quilts & More
- QuiltSeems
- Quiltsmith
Random Sewing Company Names:
- Rainbow Fabrics
- Ramon Tailor Shop
- RavelFit Sewing Co.
- Ready Set Sew
- RecycledPatterns
- Red Bird Shoe Repair
- Red Spoon Creation
- Red Swing
- RedHeart Sewing Co.
- Redorella
- RedPiece Sewing
- RedSwing
- Right Fit
- Right from the heart
- Rightwear Sewing Company
- Riverbloom Stitchers
- Rocking Bobbin Quilt Shop
- Rodolfo Tailoring
- Romo Inc
- Rony’s Measure
- Rosebery Fabrics – Fabric Store Sydney
- Royal Alteration
- RoyalRust Sewing & More
Sewing Company Names Ideas:
- Saigon Fabrics
- Sassy Folks
- Sassy Seaming
- Sassy Sewer
- Save a Thon
- Save-A-Thon Stores
- Scalamandre
- SchemaKnit
- Scissor Sisters Tailor
- Scribble & Sew
- Scrutt
- Seacoast Sewing and Quilting
- Seamcraft
- Seams Right
- SecuGlow Sewing Co.
- Sew Anyway
- Sew as it seems
- SEW Bespoke Clothing
- Sew Bridal
- Sew Can
- Sew Classic
- Sew Closet
- Sew Couture
- Sew Crafty Studio
- Sew Craze
- Sew Crazy Fabric
- Sew Creative
- Sew Design Studio
- Sew diva
- Sew Diva 1
- Sew Fabulous
- Sew Fashionable for Girls
- Sew Fit
- Sew From the Heart
- Sew Grate Sewing & Alterations
- Sew Haven
- Sew it All
- Sew It Seams
- Sew It Yourself
- Sew Katie Did
- Sew Let’s Quilt It
- Sew Make Create
- Sew Motion
- Sew Much
- Sew Much Fabric
- Sew Much More
- Sew N Sew
- Sew Neau
- Sew Needo
- Sew New
- Sew New York
- Sew on Central
- Sew on Set Tailor
- Sew Orchid Design
- Sew Over It
- Sew Pleasing
- Sew plenty
- Sew Precise Co.
- Sew Pro
- Sew Right Sewing Machines
- Sew Sense
- Sew siesta
- Sew Simple
- Sew Simple with Needle
- Sew Special
- Sew Special Designs
- Sew splash
- Sew Splendid Trimmings
- Sew studio
- Sew That
- Sew Track
- Sew True
- Sew True Alterations
- Sew vac
- Sew Vac Outlet
- Sew Wave
- Sew What Watch Me
- SewBello
- Sewberry
- SewCan
- Sewcity
- SewCraze
- SewCustom
- SewEthics Sewing
- Sewfisticated
- Sewfisticated Discount Fabrics
- SewHo
- Sewing & Vac Center
- Sewing & Vacuum Center
- Sewing & Vacuum Warehouse
- Sewing art
- Sewing Arts Center
- Sewing by the Sea
- Sewing Classes
- Sewing Club
- Sewing Curious
- Sewing lessons
- Sewing Machine Shop
- Sewing Machine Warehouse
Sewing Company Name Ideas:
- Sewing Nuts
- Sewing Patterns and More
- Sewing Primer
- Sewing pro
- Sewing Seconds
- Sewing Shop
- Sewing Sky
- Sewing Surf
- Sewing Unlimited
- SewingSandy Tailoring
- SewLab
- Sewmark Sewing Machine Corporation
- Sewmax
- Sewmosis
- SewMotion
- SewMuch
- SewNeedo
- Sewpendity
- SewPlenty
- SewPro
- SewSense
- SewSiesta
- Sewtime Sewing Machines
- SewTrack
- Shamrock Knit
- She Twinkle Sewing & More
- SheAcres Sewing & More
- Shefine Sewing Co.
- Shiny Threads
- Shirt It
- Shirtail
- Shop sewing
- Shopboy
- Sil Thread Inc.
- Silver Needle & Thread
- Simply Knitt
- Singer sew
- Singer Sewing Co.
- Single Sewing Co.
- Skilled Stitches
- Sky High Sewing Co.
- So Fine
- Sonex Tailoring
- Sophistic Crafts
- Soul Collections
- Soul Collections LLC, The Sewing Lounge
- SparkKnit
- Specialty Sewing Senter
- Specify Sewing Co.
- SpinPurl Sewing Co.
- SpinTime
- SpoolySew Sewing Co.
- Sposabella Lace
- SpringCrown
- Spruce Upholstery
- Stanley Pleating & Stitching
- Stanton Tailor Shop
- StarFlips
- Stark Carpet
- Stations Jeans
- Steinlauf & Stoller
- Stich Angel
- Stitch Arts
- Stitch Boutique
- Stitch Crew
- Stitch Fabrics
- Stitch House
- Stitch House Dorchester
- Stitchastic
- StitchCrew
- Stitches
- StitchStyle
- Straight Stitch
- Straight Thread
- String of Purls
- Studio Fabrics
- Style matter
- StyleCraze Quiling
- Stylish Seams
- Stylish Seams Co.
- Stylofy Stitch
- Sue’s Sewing Classes
- Sumona’s Sewing Hub
- Sun State Industrial Sewing Machine
- Sunny Sewing Machines
- Super Sew Studio
- SuperbKnit
- Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
- Superior Stitches
- Superior Threads
- Swagberry Sewing & More
- Sweeper Sew and Vac
- Sweetheart Dressmakers
- SweetSters Sewing Co.
- SwingSprint
Trending Sewing Company Names:
- Tailor Cord
- Tender Buttons
- Tessuti Fabrics & Buttons
- Teter creation
- Teter’s Creations
- The art of lace
- The Beehive
- The Black Sheep
- The Cotton Cupboard
- The Craftific
- The designing lab
- The dying experts
- The Fabric Garden
- The Fabric Store
- The Fashion Class
- The Fashion School
- The Haute Hive
- The Institute of Fashion
- The Myrtle
- The Needleworks
- The New York Sewing Center
- The Quilter’s Trunk
- The Remnant Warehouse
- The Second Space
- The sew lab
- The sewing
- The Sewing Basket
- The Sewing Box
- The Sewing Lady
- The Sewing Movement
- The Sewing Room
- The Sewing Studio Fabric
- The Sewing Zone
- The Sprint
- The Stitchery
- The Stitching Studio
- The Tripper
- The unthreaded art Knotting angels
- The wardrobe
- Thor Sewing Machines
- Thread Connect
- Thread Dance Studio
- Threadline Studios
- Threadocity
- Timberlake Studios, Inc.
- Timeless Tailoring
- Trendy Sewing Company
- TrioCade
- Triple Alterations Cleaners
- Twist Em Up
Unique Sewing Company Names:
- UniPurl
- Unique Sewing Company
- Univers Machines
- Universal Sewing Machine
- Up stitches
- Up To Date
- Upbeat Creation
- UpClap Sewing Co.
- UpStitches
- Urban Spools
- Urban Stitch Company
- Urban Workroom
- Urbane Chaze tailor
- UrbanFill
- UrbanFind
- Urben Stitch Company
- Useful Box Sewing
Sewing Company Names with V:
- Valente’s Tailor Shop
- Van’s Fabrics
- Venice Cut
- Venus Thread
- VenusBee
- Victor & Tailors
- Viking Sewing Gallery
- Village Sewing Center
- Virgonna
- Visionary Stitchworks
- Vittorio
- Vogue Fabrics
Wonderful Sewing Company Names:
- Wandering Stitches Quilting Studio
- WarmWoolies
- Wayside Sewing
- Welcome Tailors
- Welcome to the House of Sewing and Crocheting
- well stitched Studio
- Wellglide Sewing Co.
- WellWoolly
- Western Sewing Machine Services
- White jasmine
- White Pride tailoring
- White Thread
- WhiteStar Manufacturing
- Wicked Fabrics
- WillowWool
- WingBerry
- Wings & Things Sewing
- WoollyWish
- WoolyCrave
- WoolyKnit
- WoolyWonder
- Workroom Social
Sewing Company Names Ideas with Y:
- Yara African Fabric
- yarnStyle Sewing Co.
- YarnyLoops Sewing Co.
- YellowTown
- Yo Metz Sewing & More
- YouBetter
- Young Style
- YoungFabric Sewing
- Youpik Sewing Co.
- YourGrace
- YouWay
- Yubenna Sewing Co.
Sewing Company Name Ideas with Z:
- Zarin Fabrics
- Zimman’s Inc
- ZipUp Sewing
40+ Unique Sewing Company Names Infographic:

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Company Names