Here's How We Can Make the Red Planet Habitable

Mars is the only planet that is nearest to our planet (Earth) that is somehow capable of having a life. Yes, most of the scientists who believe that there are many other planets on which humans can live, also think that the red planet (Mars) could be the first choice for terraforming a planet so that humans can leave earth before it hits the Sun and find a new home on Mars.
However, as Mars is not same-like Earth, we have to do heavy-duty and planned missions that should also be successful to make it habitable, and even after much effort, it will not be the same as our today's world. As planetary engineering is real, and we can do wonders with our findings in nuclear researches, Mars could be the 2nd home to mankind.
The only concern is, we may need to wear special suits with oxygen or some kind of suits that astronauts have to wear for visiting space or going to the moon and this is also not going to happen very quickly, but it could happen in the future and here's how:
How We Can Make the Red Planet Habitable? - Infographic

So, this is how and why not the red planet is capable of welcoming humans as earth.
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