Key Considerations for Android App Development

Key Considerations for Android App Development

Apps — there are millions of them out there, and for anyone looking to launch their own, it can be an intimidating playing field. However, in our current digitally-fuelled world, having an app is a necessity. You can contact react native app development company if you are planning to develop apps for your businesses and industries in order to remain competitive.

Developing a usable, engaging app takes time and extensive planning. Anyone looking to venture into the world of android app development would do well to consider these following key points before launching into the exciting world of coding and design. 

Does this app already exist? 

If the answer to this question is yes, never fear. Given the long history of app development, coming up with a unique and untapped idea is a rarity.

However, it’s important that you consider how your app will stand out from the crowd. What features will you offer your users that they can’t find elsewhere? Is your app going to be cheaper than your competitors? Or more expensive, thanks to improved functioning and engaging design?

Make sure the concept of your app is air tight before you start development. Having this strategic direction will make the hands-on work far more straightforward and will enable you to deal with any bumps along the way swiftly and efficiently. 

Who is my audience? 

Understanding your audience will provide answers to many of the questions that come up in the planning and development stages of making an app. 

Apps can broadly be divided into two categories: those that are designed to solve a problem and those that are designed to entertain. If your app is a problem-solver, who is facing the problem? Are they likely to download an app if it provides a solution?

User research can be conducted through brainstorming, surveys, and observation. Information that is most likely to be useful includes the location, age group, likes and dislikes, and technology usage patterns of your target audience.

Native or cross-application? 

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably looking at developing an Android app. Developing a ‘native platform app’ (i.e either for iOS or Android, exclusively) comes with a wide set of benefits. Both operating systems have a unique language and special features that can be harnessed to provide an immersive user experience.

On the other hand, developing an application that is hybrid, that is, operates on both iOS and Android platforms, will increase your potential target audience and can result in increased profits. 

Security features 

One of the biggest issues facing app developers and users is security. Our mobile devices have a simply incredible amount of personal data stored on them, and apps often require access to this information in order to function.

As someone looking to develop an app, security should be top of your priority list. Your users need to feel that they can trust you with their personal data, and you need to take that trust seriously. Be sure that you are only obtaining the information that your app really needs to function and that that information is kept secure on a private server.


There are many different ways that an app can be monetized. The simplest is to charge a flat download fee. However, without the amount of free information and programs available on the internet today, many users bulk at the idea of having to pay money to download an app.

Other options include offering in-app purchases, having in-app advertising, and offering the app on a subscription basis. 

How you monetise your app really depends on your needs and your target audience. However, if you are operating in the commercial space, it’s a very important discussion to have. 

Scalability and Maintenance 

Once your app has been developed, that’s not the end of the story. In fact, the launch of an app is often when developers become most aware of the bugs and problems with their product.

Ideally, the popularity of your app will go through the roof and you’ll quickly see thousands of downloads a day. Unfortunately, many apps struggle to cope with this audience size and quickly crash. App users are notoriously fickle and will quickly delete any program from their phone that is not functioning as expected.

It’s important that your app has scalability — the ability to handle vast numbers of users without spitting the dummy. 

Apps also require regular maintenance and updates to ensure that they don’t become outdated. Bugs are likely to pop up further down the track and you want to be sure that you have the team and resources in place to attend to any type of problem. 

As you can see, android app development is not as simple as writing a few lines of code and hoping for the best, which is why many companies opt to outsource this type of work. If you are wanting to create an inspiring app that will increase client engagement, consider contacting a company specialising in app design — armed with your newfound knowledge about the process and key considerations.