5 Supplements Women Should Add to Their Diet

5 Supplements Women Should Add to Their Diet

Women have specific dietary needs, especially as we age. Here are a few supplements that women can especially benefit from.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Because women, especially women with fair skin and hair, are especially at risk for osteoporosis. A calcium supplement is one of the best ways to prevent bone loss as we age. After menopause, bone mass loss can become significant enough to lead to pathological fractures. Many adults don’t get enough calcium from diet alone to make sure they do not develop osteoporosis, so a supplement helps to improve your odds of avoiding it. 

Vitamin D is needed for the body’s absorption of calcium, and we don’t always get enough vitamin D from our diets. If you drink vitamin D supplemented milk, then you should be ok, but if you do not drink or eat dairy, you might want to add a vitamin D supplement along with a calcium supplement to prevent the loss of bone mass and prevent a lifetime of brittle bones. You should also consider adding an orthosilicic acid supplement to your diet, which helps regulate bone mineralization and supports skin health as well.

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Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Most women don’t get enough fish in their diet, so the benefits of fish oil aren’t gained, as well. The omega 3 fatty acids that are found mainly in oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, albacore tuna, or lake trout, can help prevent heart disease. They have been shown to reduce the level of triglycerides in the bloodstream. High triglycerides can lead to coronary artery disease and stroke. 

Omega 3 Fatty acids also help to support healthy joints, reduce inflammation in body tissues, and even to improve mood, as well as possibly memory and other brain functions. 

Collagen Powder

Collagen powder does a lot for body tissues, and multiple studies have supported that. It is structurally significant in the skin, nails, hair, muscle, joints, and even blood vessels, and as we age, our collagen production in the body naturally slows down. It is postulated by scientists that taking collagen powder helps the body begin to produce more collagen on its own, although it is not clear why. 

Taking collagen has been shown to improve the appearance of the skin, reducing wrinkles and improving elasticity. It also may help joints that are affected by cartilage loss, like in cases of osteoarthritis. Joint cartilage may actually grow after taking collagen powder regularly, reducing pain and other symptoms related to arthritis. It may even reduce the odds of osteoporosis, an issue especially suffered by women, by reducing bone loss.

Coronary arteries may be able to fend off the effects of hardening, or narrowing, with supplemental collagen. This could reduce the chances of a heart attack. The potential for improved health from regular supplemental collagen is significant, and collagen supplements are easy to add to your regular diet, by adding them to a morning smoothie or by taking a supplemental tablet.


Women of childbearing age should ideally take a prenatal vitamin with added folate, which is a B vitamin that is found in green leafy vegetables, asparagus, and some fruits. It is used by the body to aid in the cellular replication of DNA. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the mother’s body needs folate to help prevent neural tube defects.

Most women don’t realize they are pregnant yet during the first few weeks of pregnancy when folate is most needed to prevent issues in the development of the embryo. Because of this, any woman who may get pregnant, even if they aren’t actively trying to, should probably take a supplement to ensure that their levels of folic acid (folate) are adequate.

Neural tube defects can lead to incredibly detrimental birth defects and to miscarriage or stillbirth. These birth defects include Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, or even anencephaly (which is fatal).