Yahoo Answers Shutting Down Forever on May 4th
Today is the date when Yahoo officially announced the fate of Yahoo! Answers a platform available for more than 16 years now and has been an entertaining social media asking and answering platform. With various ups and downs, Yahoo Answers is finally going to meet its end starting from April 20th, 2021 ending on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time).
As per the notification being shown on the homepage of Yahoo Answers, after May 4th the website will be in a read-only mode that nobody will be able to ask or answer questions. This is the official Yahoo Answers shutdown notification you can read right below:

This fine-tuned and oldest Q&A answers platform that was created before Quora and Google Answers (currently unavailable) is at its demise by Verizon Media (current owner of Yahoo!) as the detailed notification read as starting from April 20th, nobody will be able to post new Yahoo Answers questions or answers and even worse, when you will visit Yahoo Answers after May 4th, it will redirect you to Yahoo homepage marking the death of Yahoo Answers on 4th of May 2021.
While it will not impact any of other Yahoo services or your account, the content of your Yahoo Answers profile such as questions, answers, and images from you will be available to download for free till May 4th.
Yahoo even shared how a user who has a question will get an answer online even after the demise of Yahoo Answers by writing that one should visit Yahoo Search and type his/her question that will retrieve answers from around the web.
Till June 30th, 2021 all the Yahoo Answers users could download their personal data and after that date, Yahoo will be deleting it permanently so nobody will be able to review or download his data.
So, your dearest Yahoo Answers is shutting down for good.
The decision came after seeing too much garbage content being posted on Yahoo Answers by various users that make no sense and is of no use. Yahoo is probably unable to design algorithms that can help it to cope with unwanted questions and answers.
In the end RIP Yahoo Answers!