Digital Therapy Trends

Digital Therapy Trends
Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Every company strives to deliver patient-centered and smarter workplace health solutions. 

But let’s be honest, even with the availability of employee benefits plans, not everyone can afford quality healthcare. 

Studies have shown that 60% of people in the US and Canada do not receive proper treatment for their mental health because of the cost. 

What’s surprising is that the expenses for mental health treatment are rapidly increasing. Experts believe it reaches up to 70% over the past few years, which is alarming. 

On the other hand, medical professionals are not ready to handle the growing number of diseases caused by anxiety. Research has indicated that general practitioners are unable to detect approximately 70% of mental health problems. 

But what are the digital therapy trends this 2021? Without further ado, let’s dive into it! 


In the first quarter of 2021, leaders reassessed their employee benefits and turned their attention to what employee assistance programs (EAPs) could do for every worker’s mental health. 

Since lockdowns have been implemented since 2020, employees started to cancel treatments, resulting in savings for leaders in healthcare premiums. 

A recent Mercer report found that approximately 48% of employers in the US expect any EAP benefit adjustment. 

As a result, most EAP services are questioned because of the lack of transparency in their reporting, return on investment, service model, and usage. 

While EAP premium is cost-effective when not used, it is a big disadvantage for employers when the service is needed. 

However, the demand for mental health solutions lies in leaders. Employers, in particular, should never stop looking for solutions tailored to provide more convenient employee health benefits.

Behavioral Health Support 

Who would have thought that behavioral health support would be a trend this 2021? But it is now an emerging fad in mental health. 

But, in 2008, behavioral health support was not as critical as today. 

With the decline in the housing market in that year, substance use and depression were on the rise. 

Experts said suicides increased up to 13% due to unemployment. 

With what the government experienced in 2008, behavioral health support is common these days. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, in particular, is accessible. For those who do not know, CBT is a therapy tailored to help workers understand how their physiology, thoughts, and behavior impact how they feel. 

In this time of uncertainty, the rate of people suffering from a mental health condition is constantly growing. 

With the pandemic, for example, around 26.3% of people were reported to have a stressor-related disorder. Furthermore, substance use has increased by 13.3%, making behavioral health support the go-to solution for employees and other people. 

Digital CBT 2.0 

Healthcare providers and workplaces have also adopted digital CBT to adjust to the changes brought by the pandemic. 

According to the World Health Organization, CBT has become popular among the general public and health professionals because it is one of the simplest treatments for treating depression, stress, and anxiety. 

Powered by predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, digital CBT solutions can play a critical role in providing employees’ most individualized therapeutic experiences. Unlike teletherapy options and EAPs, digital CBT solutions are available with in-depth data and accurate reporting. 

A recent survey from the Medical Association of Canada indicated that Canadians began embracing virtual care because of the COVID-19. They also wish to make it more available in the future. 

But with the constant rise in virtual CBT services, businesses still need a solution that provides cost-effective, effective, and scalable mental healthcare services to their people. 

Absence and Disability Management

Before the pandemic, absence and disability incidences were high. With COVID-19, it has skyrocketed beyond what many experts have expected in the first place. 

With the prevalence of lockdowns, most employees were unable to access therapies and community support. 

For that reason, there were 70% of disability claims costs. It is also projected to double in the coming months. 

Because of that, controlling the absence of disability treatment and its costs might be a fad this 2021 and beyond. 

Every time employees are on a short-term disability or sick leave, frontloading mental health support will play a significant role in minimizing high treatment expenses. It may also reduce the possibility of filing for long-term disability. 

How to make this goal possible, though? Face-to-face sessions are more recommended than EAPs, human-guided therapy, teletherapy, and other traditional approaches. 

Big Therapy Data 

Big data has transformed education into what we know today. 

It has also helped healthcare to grow. 

More particularly, it is transforming mental health treatment to assist leaders in uncovering things even psychologists usually do not see. 

Let’s admit it! Psychologists slowly adopted digital intervention. It is no surprise as they considered therapy a business and nuanced art, especially in human relationships. 

What they do not know is that employee mental health outcomes are not measured well, particularly in teletherapy and therapy. 

What’s worse is that psychotherapy data is not used as it should be. Leaders need to look for a solution that will offer a visible and transparent data. 

This is where digital therapy can come into play. Researchers can access data that will assist them in studying every worker’s behavioral patterns. It will also result in precise mental health prediction and regression. 

Personalized Therapy 

Artificial intelligence plays a big part in establishing and transforming industries across the globe. 

It is no wonder that around 39% of reputable companies planned to invest in this type of technology. 

As many organizations appreciate the power of AI, agencies that provide CBT solutions won’t be left behind. 

In fact, some CBT providers have built a system powered by predictive analytics and AI. That is why most clients can now enjoy individualized therapeutic services. 

Employers also have aggregated data in which they can utilize to develop more innovative strategies in the workplace. 

If you are searching for the best digital counseling consultant, it is challenging as there are various options to pick from. 

Make the process effortless by visiting and reading online therapy reviews today! Always choose the one that provides a high quality digital therapy service for your peace of mind.