5 Tips for Stress-Free Moving

5 Tips for Stress-Free Moving
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

If you move around long enough, you'll notice a pattern emerge. There are the first days of anticipation, when you're accumulating packing goods and moving boxes and mentally preparing for a few days of hard work. Then the hard work begins, and you learn that what you thought would take 10 minutes would actually take thirty, and what you thought would take an hour will only take five minutes. 

Moving is actually not that horrible, and everything always works out in the end. But it's a fact of life that relocating brings stress, and it's better to be prepared (and know how to deal with it) than to let it get the best of you. These seven suggestions for making relocating less stressful are a wonderful place to begin.

1. Take Time and Plan Ahead

Time constraints are one of the most stressful aspects of moving. While a stress-free relocation may not be realistic, you can make it a lot simpler by scheduling enough time to complete all of your tasks. Packing a studio or one-bedroom apartment will take about two days. It will take three to four days for a two-bedroom home and about six days for a three-bedroom home. Allow ample time for other tasks, such as researching and picking a moving company or renting a truck, connecting utilities in your new house, and cleaning the home you're leaving. The more you wait till the last minute, the more agitated you'll become.

2. Remain Organized

If you want to make relocating less stressful, being organized is essential. This applies to every aspect of your relocation, from organizing and marking boxes in a manner that makes them easier to unload to preserving all of the paperwork you might need - your movers' contract, your new lease, and papers for your Utah signature loans in one, easily accessible location. If you prioritize organization from the beginning, you'll have fewer headaches and a smoother transition.

3. Small Things First

Confucius said, “The man who moves mountains begins by carrying away little stones.” Take care of the small things first, and you'll see how fast they mount up to huge things. If moving stress has paralyzed you or you don't know where to begin, do anything, even if it's as simple as packing a single kitchen drawer or putting all your books in a box. Making progress, no matter how tiny, is vital for stress management, so focus on getting things done piece by piece rather than worrying about how you're going to get everything you own packed, transported, and unpacked in a new area.

4. Hire Pros

Nothing reduces the stress of moving more than delegating some of the important responsibilities to a professional moving company if you have the funds for it. Aside from assisting with leg work on moving day, they can also assist with packing your belongings and properly wrapping and transporting difficult-to-pack goods such as lamps and art. As a result, you'll have a lot less work to do and a lot less worry. Simply select a moving company with a proven track record of providing reliable and trustworthy service; otherwise, you may finish up with more stress rather than less.

5. Rest Up

It's easy to put rest on the back burner when there's a lot to do. However, the less sleep you receive, the more likely you are to get stressed. During your move, make sleep a priority and aim to get a full night's sleep as often as feasible. Moving costs a lot of energy, both physically and psychologically, and if you don't get enough sleep, you'll rapidly run out of gas. Allowing yourself to rest properly every night will result in you being more productive and less stressed. 

Allow ample time for other tasks, such as researching and picking a London man and van company or renting a truck, connecting utilities in your new house, and cleaning the home you're leaving. The more you wait till the last minute, the more agitated you'll become.

Moving can be a stressful but exciting time. Following these tips can help alleviate that stress and make the process go smoother.