Signs of Opioid Addiction in Teenagers to Look Out for as Parents - You Might Need to Sign Them Up for an Opioid Treatment Program

Signs of Opioid Addiction in Teenagers to Look Out for as Parents - You Might Need to Sign Them Up for an Opioid Treatment Program
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

If you notice that your teenager is acting strange lately, you shouldn't first jump to drugs - but if you find that your teen is abandoning their responsibilities, not interested in what previously excited them, they are isolating away from you and their friends, and they are no longer excited about the day, then you should consider looking into professional help for your child. Even though it can be bad to assume the worst, you need to put the health and safety of your child first.

If you find that your child has been using - and abusing - drugs, then it is time to look into local rehab facilities and trustworthy clinics that can help provide your teenager with the help they need to get clean and stay clean. Even though it can be hard to be sober as a teenager, avoiding using drugs - and especially ones that are very harmful for long-term health reasons - is essential to keeping your teenager on a healthy and happy track for the rest of their teenage years.

Benefits of attending an opioid treatment program as a teenager

If you find that your teenager is acting irrationally and they are no longer being themselves, you may need to look into the opioid treatment programs in your local area. By looking at rehab facilities that offer these specialized programs for your teenager, you can avoid sending them to a generic rehab facility. You may have people from all walks of life coming to get help. Instead, by using focused opioid treatment programs, you can tackle the direct cause of the issue and find out what they are using - opioids. See more about opioid treatment programs.

Signs of opioid addiction in teens

But what are the symptoms of opioid addiction you should look out for in your teen that may indicate you should begin looking into local opioid treatment programs to get them help? If you find your teenager is taking this drug and they cannot stop, they take it every day, and they have formed a dependence on this drug, this means that they are buying this substance. The changes you may see can range from solely physical to mental and psychological - signs that are worrying to all parents.

There are common signs of opioid abuse in teenagers that you need to look out for, such as abandoning responsibilities, mood swings, personality changes, lack of motivation, anxiousness, depression, personal irritability, agitation, nervous movements, fidgeting, bad decision-making skills, and a slow breathing rate.

If you find that your teenager has overdosed on opioids, this will lead to signs like unresponsiveness, nausea, vomiting, small pupils, passing out, slow breathing, and an erratic pulse. If this is the case you need to call an ambulance and then immediately look into opioid treatment programs for your teen.


If you notice your teen has been abusing opioids, it is time to look into opioid treatment programs to help your teenager learn the coping skills of how to get better and get their life back on track. Keeping your child safe is the number one priority of all parents - and getting them help is key!