7 Tips to Prepare You for Pharmacy Field Interviews
A pharmacy technician’s role is as vital as any in the medical sector. That is because it is one of the professions that deal with human life and health. So, when applying for a pharmacy field position, you must be ready and able to answer every question that the interviewer may ask. At the very least, to show that they can trust you with that responsibility.
Of course, interviews don’t always go as planned. But, you can take the necessary steps to prepare well for pharmacy field interviews.

Also, there's only so much information the interviewer can get during the interview, so you must bring your best foot forward for the interview. Perhaps the best way to do that is to get a Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) certificate.
Earning the PTCB certificate is no easy task. And without passing the PTCB exams, there is no other way to show that you deserve to be a pharmacy technician. You can take a pharmacy technician practice test online to better prepare for the PTCB exam.
What a Pharmacy Technician Does
There are opportunities available to pharmacy technicians alone. Some include vaccine administration, drug dispensing, drug inventory maintenance, and patient pharmacy records.
Pharm techs work alongside the pharmacist to provide wholesome healthcare to the patient. Their actions must be under professional ethics and federal, state, and city legislation.
How to Become a Pharmacy Technician
- Get a High School Diploma:
This basic education helps you to understand mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Also, the knowledge of these courses will aid you in your practice as a pharmacy technician.
- Complete an Accredited Pharmacy Technician Course:
That is the next step into becoming a pharmacy technician. Here, you will learn basic concepts of pharmacy ethics and legal practices. It also equips you with soft skills such as patient communication and empathy. You will understudy a pharmacist and garner field experience by observation and practice.
- Take a PTCB Certification Examination:
A PTCB test will qualify you for certification as a professional pharmacy technician. With your experience from the PTCB practice test, you are sure to do well in the PTCB examination.
What to Expect In a Pharmacy Field Interview
Getting the job is what makes the years spent preparing for the PTCB exams worth it. A general idea of the pharmacy field equips you to ace the interview. Thus, when preparing for a pharmacy field interview, these seven tips come in handy.
Familiarize Yourself With All Important Sectors in Pharmacy
Pharmacy is a broad part of medical science. It deals with managing and formulating drugs, dispensing, and medicines records. You must understand the essential subdomains in pharmacy to prepare for the interview.
Ask Questions
Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians work together to ensure human safety and wholesome health. So, as an aspiring pharmacy technician, ask questions and learn from people in the field. This helps you to learn from their errors and experiences in the field before sitting for the interview.
You can also ask questions about interview question patterns and how to attempt them best. This will help you cover up any parts you didn’t know of before the interview. There are online pharmacy forums on almost every social platform that you can get involved with for this purpose.
Take Timed Practice Interview
To perform well during the interview, taking a timed practice interview is best. This will take away anxieties and help you think and source for answers within a time limit. Speed and accuracy are critical during interviews. With the timed practice of possible interview questions, you will have optimal responsiveness and content.
Prepare Personal Reading Aids
These may include flashcards, jottings, codes, mnemonics, and formula boards. There is no one way to study for an interview. So, you can create a pattern that suits you and helps you understand important concepts. Also, make reading aids to help you remember equations and formulas. Simplifying basic concepts enables you to navigate questions during the field interview. So, create mnemonics and codes to help you remember laws, drugs, etc.
Also, you can get the pharmacy study guide free to help set you on track when studying.
Build Confidence
In most instances, people fail first in their minds before stepping through the interview doors. A poor picture of your abilities will set you up to fail. So, you must look at your abilities beyond your fears and build confidence. Familiarize yourself with both basic and difficult concepts in the course. Practice self-affirmation to set up your mind for success, and keep studying for the interview. Remember that just being ready and willing to learn is a much-sought-after trait.
Read All Instructions Carefully
Read through and understand every instruction before going to the interview. If they require you to be there by 9:00 AM, don’t be there a minute late. Understanding the instructions helps you to have a feel of how the interview will be. For instance, if the interviewer requests you to come with a calculator, you should know you’ll be taking a test during the interview.
Extra Tips During the Interview
Some pharmacy field interviews insist on an oral interview with the pharmacy technician. This serves as the exam for employment in certain health organizations. Also, the interviewer may ask some general questions that link to the profession. These may include questions such as "Why did you choose to be a pharmacy tech" or "What is your experience on the job."
In such cases, the following tips will help:
- Make a Great First Impression:
Be polite. Ask if you can have your seat if it wasn’t offered. Maintain eye contact as much as you can. Smile. Arrive early. Communicate using clear words and use technical terms in the field. Most times, these are the things that matter the most.

- Be Precise and Concise With Your Answer:
It is professional, to say the least, not to blurt out answers to unasked questions. Instead, be precise and confident when answering the interviewer.
- Don’t Ever Say Your Weakness Is “I Work Too Hard":
One of the most popular pharmacy interview questions is to ask for your strengths and weaknesses. Sell your skills and experience to the employer while avoiding self-flattery. Also, don’t say cringey stuff like how you overwork yourself in a bid to look hardworking. Interviewers hate that answer.
Yet, don’t give weaknesses that turn your interviewers off either. You want to say a harmless weakness like “I lose myself too easily in a task.” Then, you want to immediately add the steps you’ve taken to curb that weakness. The idea is to turn the weakness into a strength.
- They Always Ask for Your Motivation:
This one, we can always see coming. You might be so focused on the technical side of things that you forget that your personality will be tested too. Pharmacy field interviews always require you to state why you are interested in being a pharmacy employee. So, craft a compelling list of response points beforehand.
- Ask Questions:
An interview is an interaction between a potential employee and employer. Also, don’t forget you’re also interviewing the employer too. That’s not saying you should be rude. But, ask questions to gain clarity and learn from the interviewer. This will help you follow the interviewer's thoughts and give accurate answers.
In Summary
The pharmacy technician's assistance to the pharmacist is crucial. They work together to provide the best medical aid to patients. To pass the field interview and start practicing, you must know that:
- A pharmacy technician must pass the PTCB exam to qualify as a pharmacy technician.
- To prepare for the pharmacy tech interview, familiarize yourself with possible questions.
- Review the basics in drug formulation, dispensing, and record-keeping.
- Use study aids like flashcards and mnemonics to help your memory of terminology.
- Ask questions from already-employed pharmacists and technicians.
- Practice self-affirmation to build confidence in yourself.
- Practice politeness and conciseness.
You should be fine and employed if you follow these tips. Good luck!