How to Onboard and Manage Remote Developers

How to Onboard and Manage Remote Developers

With every passing day, the world is revolutionizing. Like every other field, the field of Information Technology is also rapidly changing. The recent pandemic has forced people to change the way they work. Companies have started to realize that they can get the same work done by searching for remote developers for hire as they would by hiring in-house developers.

Hiring remote developers can be a great way to get the work done without worrying about office space and other associated costs. It also gives you the opportunity to hire the best developers from all over the world, not just those residing in your area.

Though hiring remote developers is a much more convenient option than hiring an in-house developer, it comes with some challenges.One of the biggest challenges many companies face is onboarding and managing remote developers. In this article, we will look at some tips that can help you onboard and manage remote web developers or any other type of developer. So, let's get started.

Begin with an Onboarding Checklist

Creating an onboarding checklist and sharing it with your remote developers can be a great way to ensure that they are aware of all the company's policies and procedures. Create a comprehensive checklist that covers everything from the company's culture to the technical aspects of the job.

Technological issues can be a significant source of frustration for both employers and employees. You need to share the company's policies and procedures regarding the use of technology to avoid misunderstandings later on. Also, equip your remote developers with the tools and resources to do their job effectively.

While creating the onboarding checklist, you need to keep in mind that every company is different and has its unique way of doing things. So, make sure that you tailor the checklist according to your company's specific needs.

Ensure Effective Communication

How to Onboard and Manage Remote Developers

Since remote developers will not be working in the same office as you, it is vital to use technology to ensure effective communication. You can use several tools for this purpose, such as Slack, Zoom, and Google meet.

It is also essential to have a clear and concise communication policy. The policy should include the preferred mode of communication, the frequency of communication, and the acceptable response time.

Another essential aspect of effective communication is setting up regular one-on-one meetings. Regular meetings are necessary for onboarding as they can be used to catch up on work, discuss any concerns, and give and receive feedback.

Share Your Expectations and Goals

Once you have hired a remote developer, it is important to share your expectations and project goals with them. It will help ensure that they are on the same page as you and working towards the same goal. You need to share the work hours, the deadlines, the deliverables, and anything else relevant to the project.

Sharing what you expect from your developer is necessary, but you also need to be open to feedback. After all, your developers are the ones who will be doing the actual work, and they might have some valuable insights to share.

Introduce The Remote Developers to Other Team Members

Introducing your remote developers to other team members, such as the project manager, designers, and testers, is vital in onboarding. It becomes more important when you have team developers from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Introductory meetings with the rest of the team allow them to feel like they are part of the team and that they can rely on other team members for help and support. You can use tools like Slack and Zoom to facilitate introductions and help your remote developers feel more comfortable with the team.

Set up Training Programs

Training enables newly hired remote developers to learn about the company's culture, values, and procedures. It also gives them a chance to ask questions about anything they are unclear about and gets clarification. For instance, if you have hired a developer for building a VR surgeon simulator, you may want to introduce them to the basics of medical simulation or provide training on how to use the specific software and tools.

When setting up training programs, you need to make sure that they are comprehensive and cover all the relevant topics. You can use an online training program such as e-learning courses, video tutorials, or webinars. While training developers focus on their problem-solving skills along with teaching them the required technical skills.

Monitor the Progress of the Development Process

Monitoring the progress of the development process ensures you that everything is going as planned. It can be done by tracking the work hours, the deadlines, and the number of bugs fixed. You can also use task tracking tools like Jira to track the progress of the development process. Tracking the progress of the development process also allows you to identify any potential problems and address them timely.

It is also important to have regular check-ins with your remote developers. These check-ins can be used to discuss the project's progress, hurdles faced by the developers, and any other relevant issues.

Offer Constructive Feedback

Offering constructive feedback can help developers identify the areas where they need improvement. It also shows them that you pay attention to their work and care about their development.

When offering feedback, make sure to focus on the positives and the negatives. For instance, you can praise them for their hard work and dedication while also pointing out areas where they need to improve. Make sure to avoid giving criticism that is vague or nonspecific. It is essential to be specific and clear when offering feedback so that the developers can understand what they need to work on.