How to Hide 'Likes Count' on Facebook and Instagram

Since 2019, Facebook had been testing the feature to hide likes count form others on Facebook and Instagram. Because it had a negative pressure on some users. Sometimes the users who could not get much likes on their posts, had to face embarrassment and they used to be in depression.

How to Hide 'Likes Count' on Facebook and Instagram

With new advancements in technology Facebook decided to give ease to the users and they introduced the update to hide likes count. Later they made advancement in this update by adding the option to leave it on the user to hide likes count or to show. Because it has been very useful for some users to show their likes count to grab different types of opportunities.

How to Hide 'Likes Count' on Facebook and Instagram

If you want to hide your Likes Count we are here to guide you. Here is how you can do this.

How to Hide Likes on Instagram

You can completely hide your Likes Count on Instagram by following these steps:

Hide Likes Count on Other's Posts

  1. Open your Instagram Profile on your screen.
  2. Tap on More Options.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Under Privacy settings, tap on Posts.
  5. Turn the toggle on to hide Likes and Views Count.

Hide Likes Count on Your New Post

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Create a new post of yours.
  3. Now click on Advanced Settings.
  4. Turn the toggle on to hide Likes and Views Count.

Hide Likes Count on Your Old Posts

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. From your Profile go to an old post.
  3. Click the More Options key.
  4. Select Hide Like Count.
You have done. 

How to Hide Likes Count on Facebook

Like on Instagram, a Facebook user can hide reactions and likes on any post, created by other or his/her own created post. Here is how you can hide Likes and Reactions on Facebook:
  1. Open your Facebook Profile.
  2. Go to More Options.
  3. Click on Settings and Privacy.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. From News Feed Settings, select to go to Reaction and Counts.
  6. Turn both these toggles on.

You have done.

So, in this article we have guided you how you can hide your likes count on Facebook and Instagram to keep your privacy according to you. 

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