5 Tips to Help you Adjust to a Coliving Lifestyle
Are you used to living on your own and about to move towards a coliving option in one of the coliving spaces New York has to offer? Perhaps you are wondering how you will adjust to this lifestyle as realistically it is very different sharing space than living on your own. Change can be scary but it can also be a very good thing for you. See it as an adventure. Don’t fret! We have you covered, we have put together 5 Tips for helping you adjust to a coliving lifestyle.

Some of the tips to help you adjust to a coliving lifestyle are the following:
- assess your expectations;
- communication is Key;
- shared Responsibilities;
- always be respectful;
- set agreed boundaries.
Let us now take a deeper look at each one of these points:
Assess your expectations
Understand that your roommates are human and your expectations should not be too high. Often, we expect too much from others. Your roommates are not supposed to be perfect, they will make mistakes sometimes, they will forget to do their responsibilities, or they may be too busy to handle their responsibilities for the day. Lower your expectations and you will have fewer disappointments.
Communication is Key
Like any relationship, communication is the key. It is important to have an open line of communication with your roommates. Miscommunication is the start of many arguments in a shared living space. You may feel shy initially but building rapport with your roommates right from the start, will help to build the relationship faster. In turn, making both you and your roommate feel comfortable from the word go.
Shared Responsibilities
Noone wants to feel as though they are doing all the work. It is important to discuss responsibilities within the household and be clear on who is responsible for what. Oh, and be sure to commit and follow through on your own shared responsibilities to avoid conflict.
Always be Respectful
Remember, your roommates won’t be gone by morning, so you always want to ensure that you treat each other with respect at all times so you don’t have that awkward moment at the breakfast table in the morning.
Set Agreed Boundaries
In any relationship setting healthy boundaries is always a good idea. It is an awkward conversation to have but certainly a healthy one to have from the start. You will notice that if you and your roommates abide by the set agreed boundaries, you will have fewer conflicts.
Adjusting to a coliving lifestyle is going to take some time, but do give it a chance as there are many benefits to coliving. If you strictly follow our tips for adjusting to a coliving lifestyle, you are bound to enjoy almost every minute of it! Be adaptable, you won’t find a roommate that is exactly the same as you, therefore you will need to find a way to fit in with your new friends. Wishing you the best of luck on your new journey and hope you find the best coliving space to suit your needs.