How to Measure Distance Between Two Points in Google Maps

Technology is always there to help you whether you are planning a tour, travelling to somewhere or just want to check the exact distance between the point where you are and your destination point. Google Maps offers you the best features during your travel.

How to Measure Distance Between Two Points in Google Maps

In this article you will find the guideline to measure distance between two points in different easy and simple ways both on your mobile phone and PC.

How to Measure Distance Between Two Points in Google Maps

When you are planning to travel, Google Maps has introduced a new feature to help you to measure the distance between two points and make your journey's planning more accurate and on time. Here is how to do.

Measuring Distance on your PC

While using your PC, you may measure distance  between two points by following these steps:
  1. On your browser open the Google Maps.
  2. Tap on your desired location to mark that on the map.
  3. Now, Right-click on your marked location.
  4. Then, tap the Measure Distance feature and enable it.
  5. To calculate the distance, select your target location point. In the bottom of your screen the Card Window will show the distance in km and miles.
  6. To know the total distance you may add more points on the map.
  7. When you Close the Loop, it will show all the information like total area and traffic density in the selected area.

Use of Google Maps App

Just as on your PC you may also be facilitated with Google Maps on your Mobile phone. Follow these steps:
  1. Open the Google Maps App on your smartphone.
  2. Long tap on your desired location to mark it.
  3. Now, slide up the location card to find the Measure Distance option and tap to enable it.
  4. Now, search the other point on the map and from the bottom right corner add this point by clicking on Add Point button. You will see the straight line distance between your marked points now.
  5. You may add more points to measure the total distance of your journey.

Use of Distance Finder Utility Tool

You may also check the distance between two points using Distance Finder Utility Tool if you are not using Google Maps to find the distance. Here is how to do:
  1. Launch the Distance Finder Utility Tool on your browser in a new tab.
  2. Enter your desired address in the address bar.
  3. Select the Draw New Line option and tap on the first point in the map to start to measure the straight line distance to the other point of your choice.
  4. When marked you will have the straight line distance between your marked points in meters, km, feet and miles.
  5. You may add more points in the same way to measure the total distance.
So, this was how you can measure distance between two points in Google Maps. There are also other apps to point out the distance between two points that is just as easy to use as to use Google Maps.
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