How Audio to Text Transcribing Really Work?
Audio-to-text transcribing is a process of converting audio files into written text. This can be performed by either using automatic speech recognition (ASR) software or by hiring a human transcriptionist.

In this article, we will be focusing on both methods of transcribing audio to text and will provide you with a detailed explanation of how each one works.
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Software
ASR software uses complex algorithms to convert spoken words or an audio file to text. This software is designed to mimic the way humans process speech and convert it into written language.
To do this, ASR software first breaks down the audio file into small pieces called phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest unit of sound that can be distinguished by humans. For example, the word “cat” is made up of three phonemes: /k/, /æ/, and /t/.
ASR software then compares the phonemes it has identified in the audio file to a database of known phonemes. This database is called a phoneme dictionary and is mostly supported by machine learning (depending on the software). The ASR software will use the phoneme dictionary to try and identify what words are being spoken in the audio file.
Once the ASR software has identified the words being spoken, it will convert them into text. However, if you want to convert a text file into voice, you can do the same using apps that help convert text to voice.
Not Yet Perfect
ASR software is not perfect and can sometimes make mistakes when transcribing audio to text. This is because the ASR software is relying on the phoneme dictionary to identify the words being spoken. If a word is not in the phoneme dictionary, the ASR software may have difficulty transcribing it.
ASR software may also have difficulty transcribing words with multiple meanings. For example, the word “bass” can refer to a type of fish or a low-pitched sound. This can often lead to confusion and errors in the transcription.
Despite these limitations, ASR software is getting better and more accurate every year. In general, ASR software is best suited for transcribing short audio files with clear speech.
Human Transcriptionist
If you need a high-quality transcription that is accurate and almost free of errors, you will need to hire a human transcriptionist. Human transcriptionists are trained professionals who listen to audio files and convert them into written text. Transcriptionists use a process called dictation to transcribe audio to text. Dictation is the act of converting spoken words into written language.
The main advantage of human transcriptionists is their ability to understand the context of the audio file and transcribe it accordingly. This is because human transcriptionists are not limited by a phoneme dictionary.
Human transcriptionists can also transcribe audio files with poor sound quality and multiple speakers. This is because human transcriptionists can use their expert listening skills to understand the audio file and transcribe it accurately.
Moreover, human transcriptionists can transcribe audio files in multiple languages if the transcription is needed for international audiences.
The Disadvantages
The disadvantage of human transcriptionists is that they are much more expensive than ASR software and can take longer to transcribe an audio file. In a world of advancing Ai products, human transcriptionists are a dying breed as it's a matter of time until ASR software becomes just as accurate.
The Combination of Both
The most accurate way to transcribe audio to text is to use a combination of the pioneering technology of audio transcriptions and human transcriptionists. ASR software can transcribe audio files quickly and accurately but, however, can sometimes make mistakes when transcribing and that is where human transcriptionists come in.
Human transcriptionists can listen to the audio file and correct any errors made by the ASR software. This process is called proofreading. Proofreading is the act of reading over a text and checking for errors.
Proofreading an audio transcript is a time-consuming process but it will ensure that the transcript is accurate and free of errors. This is the best way to transcribe audio to text if you need a high-quality transcript.
Transcribing audio to text is a process that can be done using ASR software, human transcriptionists, or a combination of both. ASR software is fast and accurate but can sometimes make mistakes. Human transcriptionists are expensive but can transcribe audio files with poor sound quality and multiple speakers. The most accurate way is to use a combination of ASR software and human transcriptionists which can provide the best results.