How To Hold Successful Virtual Coffees
Remote working gives you flexibility. It can also reduce overheads and improve revenues for an organization. However, it can also be isolating. According to a recent survey, more than 55 percent of remote workers feel that it has become increasingly harder to connect with colleagues. Remember, intensive isolation can lead to mental issues like anxiety, depression, and unhappiness. However, you can turn to virtual coffees to improve the situation. The following are top tips and tricks for holding virtual coffees.

Research About The Person You Will Meet
Familiarize yourself with the people you are going to meet. Understand their preferences. Research the roles they hold in the organization. Use LinkedIn to find out more about the people you will be meeting. Research to establish their educational backgrounds, experiences, past roles, etc. Doing so will promote positive engagement. You can also use these conversations to get quality coffee leads.
Prepare Topics
Prepare early. Research topics early. Poor preparations can lead to moments of silence, which can be awkward. Thus, use known topics to kick-start the conversation. Doing so will help you learn from the other person without any difficulties. For instance, you should ask why he/she choose to work with your organization. You can also ask about his/her vacation plans. Ask about accomplishments, how he/she spends weekends, etc.
Keep It Short
Don’t overdo it. Keep the conversation short. Preferably, limit it to 15 minutes. However, you can make it a 30-minute conversation. Making it short creates genuine conversation.
Minimize Distractions
Stay away from distractions. Giving full attention sends a positive image to the other party. It also means that you respect other people. Close any other applications that can distract you. Don’t stay on Slack while you are still having a conversation.
Go Beyond Work-Related Conversations
It’s important to establish a genuine conversation. You should also go beyond work-related conversations. Thus, look for a way to understand the other party better. Establishing personal connections will eliminate the feeling of being lonely, especially in a remote working setting. However, don’t overshare information.
Feedback is important. If you had a conversation with another employee, be sure to follow up with him/her. Reaching back makes you look professional. Consider adding your colleagues to LinkedIn. Send them a Slack note. Set up another meeting. This is the surest way of strengthening your interaction. It also optimizes the communication process.
How Can A Human Resource Manager Encourage Coffee Conversations?
As a human resource manager, you should encourage virtual coffee conversations. Consider creating incentives that can encourage your employee to participate in these conversations. Reward employees who regularly participate in these conversations. Issue certificate of participation.
The Bottom-Line
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted business operations. It has changed how people conduct business. Nowadays, more and more businesses are resorting to remote working. Besides cutting down transport expenses, remote working is flexible. It also helps companies cut down overhead costs. However, remote working can isolate employees. It makes it impossible for employees to interact. Luckily, virtual coffee conversations can help employees stay in touch and bond effectively. Use the above tips and tricks to hold successful virtual coffee conversations.