Erosion Proof: 5 Tips to Add Erosion Control to Your Yard

Most yards aren’t perfectly flat, which is why homeowners have concerns about erosion control. Without proper management, erosion can affect the appearance and soil quality in your yard. These five tips will help you control erosion to help your landscape elements grow and flourish. 

Erosion Proof: 5 Tips to Add Erosion Control to Your Yard

Grass seed

Grass can be a great way to control erosion. Erosion can affect the topsoil in your yard, and adding grass can help you control runoff. Grass seed for erosion control will protect your topsoil and keep your yard in place. After you spread seeds, they will germinate and spread their roots through the topsoil. The roots hold everything in place. 

Because erosion can move grass seeds, watch the weather and avoid laying the seed on rainy and windy days. You can also cover your grass seed with straw to protect it from the wind and rain. 

Native plants

Native plants will stabilize the soil differently than non-native plants. They use their deep roots to hold their place in the ground, while non-native plants have shallow roots that can encourage soil runoff. Native plants will flourish and provide a full bed of greenery that will enhance your yard’s curb appeal

Because they are native to the area, they require very little maintenance. Their deep roots discourage weeds, and their fullness helps prevent soil erosion from wind and rain. 

Retaining walls

You can control erosion by adding retaining wall anchors where your yard needs stabilization. The wall can protect raised land, and you can use several walls to create a terrace garden. Homeowners and landscape architects can use materials like brick, stone, wood, or concrete blocks to achieve the look they want. 

You might need to build a foundation in the ground to prevent erosion. Without foundation, soil can move under the wall and degrade its integrity. 

Dry creek bed

If you are looking for an attractive and valuable landscaping tool to prevent erosion, consider adding a dry creek bed. These are small trenches framed by rocks and plants. Water runs into the dry creek bed when it rains, slowly moving into the ground. 

Homeowners appreciate the easy maintenance and the natural beauty they bring to yards. Dry creek beds move rainwater into the soil, where it nourishes your plants. 

Appropriate irrigation

You can use a variety of irrigation methods to prevent erosion. Flower beds and vegetable gardens often benefit from drip irrigation that puts water directly into the roots. If you sprinkle or splash water onto the beds, you encourage erosion as the splashing moves the topsoil. 

Your grassy areas benefit from gentle sprinkling but only at the correct times. Use a water gauge to determine your watering schedule. Arrange your sprinkling in zones to avoid overwatering and encouraging erosion. 

Wrap up

With thoughtful planning and appropriate plants, you can prevent erosion in your yard. Consider using native plants, grass seed, and options like stone retaining walls and dry creek beds to keep your topsoil from washing or blowing away.