How to Create Strong Passwords You'll Never Forget?

Ever imagined someone seeing all of your private photos and watching all the videos that you saved on cloud storage platforms and never uploaded for the public?

How to Create Strong Passwords You'll Never Forget?

This could happen if you don’t create strong enough passwords and let the hackers, even your childish friends crack into your accounts.

Creating strong passwords is an important aspect of your cybersecurity and privacy, as it protects personal information from being hacked or stolen.

However, in today's digital age, where we use a multitude of online services, from social media platforms to business apps that require us to create passwords, it can be a challenge to remember them all while also ensuring they are unique and secure.

ExpressVPN conducted a password survey in 2022, which revealed some interesting insights into the password habits of internet users. Here’s a list of some of the key findings from the survey:

  • An average person spends around three minutes and 46 seconds on password resetting each time they forget them. Americans take the longest to reset their passwords, with 37% taking over four minutes and 7% over 10 minutes to reset their passwords.
  • Passwords we forget most often are for online banking (30%), followed closely by social media accounts (24%).
  • Over 76% of U.S. respondents revealed that they’d been locked out of their accounts after imputing their password incorrectly.
  • French (12%), German (6%), American and British (over 10%) respondents admitted to reusing the same password from another account when resetting a forgotten one.

According to a report by Verizon, 81% of data breaches in 2018 involved weak or stolen passwords. With these tips I am sharing with you all, you can create strong passwords that are easy to remember and protect your personal information from potential cyber threats.

Read “How to Create Strong Passwords You'll Never Forget and Why?”:

1. Password Length Matters

The length of a password is one of the most important factors in determining its strength. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), passwords should have a minimum length of 8 characters, but longer is better. In fact, a password with 12 or more characters is considered very strong.

2. Use a Mix of Characters

Using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters greatly increases the security of a password. It's recommended to include at least three of these character types in a password.

3. Avoid Common Words and Phrases

Hackers around the globe often use dictionaries of common words and phrases to crack passwords. To avoid this, it's recommended to avoid using easily guessable information such as names, birthdates, or pet names. You should always avoid using common words or names of your loved ones, as these are easily crackable and can help others breach into your private accounts.

4. Avoid Reusing Passwords

Avoid using the same password more than once, as it's a common mistake to reuse the same password across multiple accounts. If a hacker gains access to one of your accounts, they might also have access to all of the other accounts. It's important to use unique passwords for each account to ensure maximum security and keep hackers away from your personal data.

5. Use Passphrases

Instead of a traditional password, consider using a passphrase made up of multiple words. This makes the password easier to remember while also increasing its strength. For example, "The cat in the hat" is much stronger than "catinhat1." you can even use a memorable song or phrase that is your favorite. Just make tweaks by typing the "The cat in the hat" as "@TheCat#inThe&Hat" this is the toughest password generated from your given phrase. You can make one by adding such characters as per your choice so that you can remember the password easily.

6. Use a Password Manager

Managing multiple unique passwords can be a challenge. A password manager, such as LastPass or 1Password, can securely store all of your passwords and automatically generate strong, unique passwords for you. However, that’s not recommended if you are using a password manager to store sensitive credentials such as your bank account, business app account, or some personal data storage accounts.

I don’t recommend anyone use the same password or use a password manager to store all the passwords.

However, creating up to 5 different unique and tough passwords that you can easily remember is a way to keep your accounts safe. Here’s how:

  • Create a password for social accounts
  • Create two different passwords for bank accounts
  • Create a password for business accounts
  • Create a unique password for smartphone and laptop

This is how you can easily remember your passwords and still have the strongest passwords on your accounts.


The online world is a big universe where we don’t know who is looking to steal our data and who is far from accessing anything personal to us.

However, taking cybersecurity safety measures, such as using a strong password, could help us live with peace of mind and not think about giving our personal information to any other person on the internet.

Stay safe.