Pakistani-origin female pilot Zeewarad Imran sets new example of women's empowerment

A Pakistani-origin female pilot Zeewarad Imran based in Canada has set a new example of women's empowerment by achieving her childhood dream to fly in the air with her own wings (yes by being a pilot).

In a series of interviews to local media networks she shared that she has always dreamed of becoming a pilot since she was a child. Her father was a pilot in the Air Force, and she was inspired by him to pursue a career in aviation and it was not just a dream, but her passion too.

Despite the challenges of being a woman in a male-dominated field, Zeewarad never gave up on her dream to be a pilot one day. She worked hard and studied diligently, and eventually earned her commercial pilot's license.

She recently uploaded her success story on her Instagram account and people started talking about her as she call herself “Pilot Baji” and sometimes Pilot Beti too.

She’s now a successful commercial pilot, and she is an inspiration to women all over the world. By being regular on Instagram and LinkedIn she shows that anything is possible if you set your mind to it, and she is a role model for young girls who dream of flying in clouds.

In an interview with BOL news and Samaa TV, Pilot Baji said that she is proud to be a Pakistani woman, and she hopes that her story will inspire other women in the country to follow their dreams.

"I want to show the world that Pakistani women are capable of anything," she said. "We can achieve anything we set our minds to."

Zeewarad Imran's story is a powerful example of women's empowerment.

As today we are also celebrating International Women’s Day, she is a role model for young girls everywhere, and is a living example for the girls all around world.