Living in 2024 demands to make your home A Smart-Home

 As we live in the Smart World, where everything is getting smart, our homes also need to be smart, and what makes anything smart here? The only answer your mind will pick is "Technology". The use of technology to benefit your life anyhow makes your life smart.

Living in 2024 demands to make your home A Smart-Home
So, if you want to make your home A Smart Home like your smartphone and other gadgets, you have no need to spend millions, instead, there are a lot of tiny smart gadgets that you need to buy and fit in your home to make it A Smart Home. 

Here we have done the necessary homework to help you select the best tiny smart gadgets that you need to have in your home to prepare a home of your dreams.

Google Assistant: Smart Speaker:

A smart speaker is a must-have to make your home smart, you can buy the best smart speaker Echo Dot at Amazon. After installation of this speaker, all you have to do is just say "Hey Alexa" and then give your command, and this speaker will do what you asked for immediately. 

The tasks that Echo Dot can perform for you include playing music, setting alarms and timers, checking the weather, and much more, you can connect this device easily to your smartphone to control it.

Smart Light Bulbs

The very next thing that every home needs is a light bulb, and of course, a smart home will need a smart bulb. Philips Hue is the much more recommended smart bulb by different smart home expert ideas. 

This bulb comes at reasonable prices and with up to 25,000 hours of usage time, and the best thing is that you can easily connect and control these bulbs with your Google Assistant. You can buy these light bulbs from the market as well as you can order online.

Smart Plugs

The next must have smart gadget for a smart home is Smart Plugs. You can connect these smart plugs to your smartphone or Alexa device and turn them on or off from anywhere with just a voice command. Kasa Mini Smart Plugs are much useful for you, these plugs are easily available in market and online, and you can simply connect them to your device.

Smart Security Camera

To make your smart home smartly secured, you need smart security cameras. All you have to do is just to fit the outdoor security cameras at front and backyard of your home and connect them to your phone. Blink Outdoor Security cameras can be the best choice in this regard.

To connect these cameras to your phone download and install the Blink app and then connect each camera to your phone and you can keep an eye at your smart home from anywhere if the cameras are connected to your home WiFi connection. Amazon's Ring Doorbell can also be a great choice to keep an eye on the porch of your smart home.

Smart Locks

While choosing all the facilitating, and useful smart things for your smart home, one thing that will add to the security level of your home is smart lock.

You can install smart locks at your home and control these smart locks with your smartphone or Alexa just like other smart gadgets and you will have no need to be worried about taking lock keys in your pocket everywhere.

So, this is how you can make your home smart by using different types of smart gadgets. it seems like a tail or story to control everything of your home with your phone or with your voice commands only, but its a reality now and there is much more we can make use of and enjoy our life fully.