How To Make Money With Infolinks (In Text Ads)
This is a quick guide on "How To Make Money With Infolinks (In Text Ads)". There are many ways to monetize your blogs for passive income, such as Google AdSense and Yahoo! Contextual Ads. Getting an fully approved account from these two major advertising platforms is not a easy task, you have to work a lot for it. Therefore I come up with a great alternative to AdSense and Yahoo!. None other then Infolinks (In Text Ads) is best for newbies and also for professionals. We can use it to monetize our blogs and hopefully we can earn some money easily. I have using it on my 2 blogs witch are on .blogspot sub-domain and I earn a meaningful income alone with help of Infolinks, even I don't update my blogs daily or weekly. I think now you want to know how you can generate income from your blogs using Infolinks, so read below guide and get started.

Why Infolinks is Best for My Blogs ?
I already tell you that Infolinks is one of the best alternatives to Google AdSense and other major advertising platforms.The company also claims that they are the best fit with Google AdSense. Infolinks has many ad formats for publishers. The best and quality ad format is in-tag format and it will automatically start showing ads on your blogs. You can use other ad formats such like in frame ads and in search ads with single code.
Either if you have a blog on .blogspot or .wordpress sub-domains you can easily earn some money from it. Infolinks is best at blogging and making money. It helped me to do blogging for money. You can use it on and also Infolinks has a official plugin for WordPress users. But on other blogging platforms you have to implement ads code.
The other great thing about Infolinks is you can easily customize ad units as you like to be shown on your blogs. You can change link ad color without changing ad format coding. You can limit Infolinks on showing many types of ad formats on your blogs such as you can off in frame ads or you can on it, you can off in search ads or you can off it and many more customization is waiting for you.
How To Get Approved by Infolinks ?
Now its time to know about "How I can Get a Approved Account from Infolinks". Here I try to guide you and hope you will get your account fully approved by Infolinks team in less then 2/3 days.
- Don't think that Infolinks are a fraud company or a unprofessional company. Its a best advertising platform for publishers and also for advertisers.
- Setup your blog with quality content and clean theme. Quality content is: do some blog posts on basic and viral topics and write 600/700 words articles (5 or 7 articles are enough). Do some SMO and get traffic from social medias. Then after a week apply for Infolinks.
- Keep in mind: If your blog got rejection letter then you can't submit it again, so be careful before applying for Infolinks. We recommend you to update your blog daily for a month and get some traffic then apply.
How To Use Infolinks on My Blog ?
After getting approved by Infolinks now its time to use it as it should be used. If we implement our great strategies while customizing ad units then it will be nice for our earnings. See below images.Step 1. Just go to and signup using your Facebook profile are any email address.
Connect with Facebook or fill form as shown in above screen shot. Now wait for 2/3 days then check your email inbox if your blog got approval email then read below guide.

The best thing about Infolinks is you can easily add ad unit codes to your blogs. You can use it on any blogging platform such as Blogger and WordPress.
- Continue changing ads colors and formats till than you think its enough. There is no limit ti do so.