5 Insane (But True) Things About Blogging!
This is a first post I start writing about, with help of its title and nothing else.
Usually! I search and research on a topic than think, the topic I want to cover would entertain my audience ?
Even: It happened to me twice a month. I wrote some quick blog posts and delete them without publishing.
Because! I think that blog posts can't help my blog visitors.
This blog post is also in that category.
But! I will publish it and you will love it ;).
Because! It is a insane blog post about blogging.
After reading many productive blogs.
I want to give my blog's traffic flow a boom with great content strategies. Don't split your mind and read below.
That's why every product owner gets ready for paying money for a single positive review on a blog.
Tip! Hey! Here is a great tip for you all. If you are not blogging yet. Than start your blogging carrier and start it with review niche. Yes! Review some great products and than make money through reviewing products on your blog.
But! There is a problem. Maybe! People would not trust on you.
With only reviews of products you can't get trust of visitors/buyers. Therefore I say
Why Professional bloggers have big big boxes saying Subscribe me, Get tutorials in your inbox, Spam free emails, Subscribe and get exclusives, Download a E-book type your email etc.
So! They can easily generate traffic. If traffic comes than money comes, and visitors from email subscription links will definitely gives you leads.
Why to have email subscribers ?
They all have boxes for subscribing to their news-feeds. Why you don't ?. I guarantee you: That you can increase your traffic by 153% doing email newsletters.
Than you will definitely reply to comments on your Facebook posts.
Same you do with Twitter tweets. Why you don't think that blogging is same?
Yes! On this topic we can say blogging is same to social networking. If we have to give reply to our profile comments, then we also have to give answers of visitors questions on our blogs.
This is a epic tip for making reputation on internet.
For this I say "Give help, Take help". This will also increase your conversation rate by 216%.
This is what many bloggers don't care about. Including me. But! This can help us to grow our presence.
Don't spam them. Like many newbies do.
Be a real person and do what you think is easy and trustworthy. So! They can help you in getting success.
After whole year of my blogging life.
I had discovered it.
That! Making true friendship with fellow marketers and bloggers can give us a success milkshake glass.
Where to find experts in your niche ?
Now! Its time to start conversations with them. Start from mentioning their blog posts on your blog posts.
Than ask questions by tagging them in tweets. Hope! It works.
They have great blog posting templates or you can say styles. You can see how professionally I created this blog post, NOT?
You know how I done it ? Probably no.
If they find your blog post amazingly polished. Then they will read it entirely.
Now I think you can do more professional blogging.
If you have any question about any topic on blogging.
Then! Leave a comment and we will do a case study, than post that case study as a blog post on AllBlogThings.
Keep connected. Happy Blogging!
Usually! I search and research on a topic than think, the topic I want to cover would entertain my audience ?
Even: It happened to me twice a month. I wrote some quick blog posts and delete them without publishing.
Because! I think that blog posts can't help my blog visitors.

But! I will publish it and you will love it ;).
Because! It is a insane blog post about blogging.
5 Insane (But True) Things About Blogging
Here! I want to share truly insane or you can say MAD things about blogging.After reading many productive blogs.
I want to give my blog's traffic flow a boom with great content strategies. Don't split your mind and read below.
1. People Read Blogs for Buying Things
Yes! You hear it right. Before buying anything from internet, People tend to read blog posts.That's why every product owner gets ready for paying money for a single positive review on a blog.
Tip! Hey! Here is a great tip for you all. If you are not blogging yet. Than start your blogging carrier and start it with review niche. Yes! Review some great products and than make money through reviewing products on your blog.
But! There is a problem. Maybe! People would not trust on you.
With only reviews of products you can't get trust of visitors/buyers. Therefore I say
Make a niche blog and update it with great content. Publish new products news on daily basis. Don't publish irrelevant blog posts. After 5 natural blog posts. Publish a paid review :) Hope it works.Try it. You will get leads and reputation too.
2. Email Subscriptions Still Works!!!
You get it right or wrong. Who cares ?Why Professional bloggers have big big boxes saying Subscribe me, Get tutorials in your inbox, Spam free emails, Subscribe and get exclusives, Download a E-book type your email etc.
- Search engines and social medias can cater your traffic on any time and without notice. If you want to survive then use this option.
So! They can easily generate traffic. If traffic comes than money comes, and visitors from email subscription links will definitely gives you leads.
Why to have email subscribers ?
If you are getting good traffic. Than! Make sure you have a working plan of email subscription. Also! Check your subscribers on weekly basis. They are growing or going ?. Use professional email providers. Because! Feed-burner will eat-up your hard-work. Also you can't get planed traffic from search engines and social medias. Only email subscribers can give you wings ;)We can see many famous blogs has great followers.
They all have boxes for subscribing to their news-feeds. Why you don't ?. I guarantee you: That you can increase your traffic by 153% doing email newsletters.
3. Solving and Answering to Public questions
You have a Facebook ID ? You upload pictures ? and update status ?Than you will definitely reply to comments on your Facebook posts.
Same you do with Twitter tweets. Why you don't think that blogging is same?
Yes! On this topic we can say blogging is same to social networking. If we have to give reply to our profile comments, then we also have to give answers of visitors questions on our blogs.
This is a epic tip for making reputation on internet.
Try to give answers as quick as you can. People will love your blog and ask you more questions. By this, you will easily get reputation and trust from visitors of your blog. They will share your content and you can standout in crowd.You can see I definitely write a reply comment to all comments visitors drop here.
For this I say "Give help, Take help". This will also increase your conversation rate by 216%.
4. Having Friends of Relative Niche Can Do Something?
Again I say you believe or not. Having big connections can give a boost to your online business.This is what many bloggers don't care about. Including me. But! This can help us to grow our presence.
Don't spam them. Like many newbies do.
Be a real person and do what you think is easy and trustworthy. So! They can help you in getting success.
After whole year of my blogging life.
I had discovered it.
That! Making true friendship with fellow marketers and bloggers can give us a success milkshake glass.
Where to find experts in your niche ?
It is very easy task for now. Thanks to social media networks. We can easily find many experts in all profitable niches. Just go to Twitter and search about your keywords. You will find some verified IDs.After finding professionals in your niche.
Now! Its time to start conversations with them. Start from mentioning their blog posts on your blog posts.
Than ask questions by tagging them in tweets. Hope! It works.
5. Professional Blog Post Template/Style Matters!
This is what professional bloggers are doing right-now.They have great blog posting templates or you can say styles. You can see how professionally I created this blog post, NOT?
You know how I done it ? Probably no.
- Let's take a look from starting of this blog post I am waiting! !! Got my points ?
If they find your blog post amazingly polished. Then they will read it entirely.
We can see many bloggers don't care about this science. But! It matters and matters a lot. Do care of it and make a good template or style your blog posts with awesomeness in mind.
So! So! So! ??Now I think you can do more professional blogging.
If you have any question about any topic on blogging.
Then! Leave a comment and we will do a case study, than post that case study as a blog post on AllBlogThings.
Keep connected. Happy Blogging!