8 Quick Tips To Improve Writing & PRODUCTIVITY
Writing is an exciting activity that requires the use of your creative initiative and concentration ability.
Writing is a lot fun thing to do but, your invested time and energy can end up wasted if at the end your writing is unproductive.
Sometimes, people input their best effort and writing skill into practice, but at the end, it doesn’t come back home with good result, productivity.
Your un-productivity is about to take a shift into productivity, with these eight identified elements and tips of a productive writing.
Writing involves a series of steps which should be taken one at a time; it starts from deciding what to write, making outlines and then writing.
We are always eager to start writing and end it at a go.
An attempt to write a long write-up without a schedule as when to write and what to write, gives your writing a repulsive shape.
In order to enhance your writing productivity, create a routine time for writing. The best is to write daily.
Make a schedule for a minimal daily amount, a time-table will really help. Let it be short but regular. Be consistent with your writing, and strike balance between writing and other activities.
Waking up, going to work, car cleaning, doing laundry, attending meetings are the common activities that get us occupied.
Even with a well-structured schedule for writing, if our day is not properly organized, we will discover that we have done no writing.
It is mostly not possible to write after a long hectic day with a lot of strength-draining activities, it will only end up poorly.
Always consider writing as an activity, for it to be properly done, it has to be properly planned.
Plan your day in such a way that no one activity affects the other. Organize your daily activities giving equal considerations to the listed activities.
Stick to your writing and let nothing get you off it.
Keep your writing space away from television and noise.
When you write in a noisy environment or public place, distraction will occur and will hinder the functioning of your creativity region.
The best place to write is a distraction-free environment.
You preparation starts from being emotionally ready to write, concentrating your inner attention to focus solely on the writing.
In your preparation, you need to get all needed and necessary materials ready so that you will have an absolute concentration when the writing begins. Establish a consistent habit of writing daily.
This is difficult in the beginning.
If you are just staring at the monitor or page, and are having difficulty getting started, experiment with warming up with a brief period of free writing.
This could be 5 or 10 minutes of writing down anything that comes to mind without concern about the nature or quality of the content.
The importance of research in productive writing cannot be underestimated.
The first thing you need to know is understanding what exactly your writing is about, have a great interest in the topic, then a proper research like asking question about the topic, reading relevance materials, surfing through search engines for information that will narrow your focus.
Applying all these research strategies indicates that you are prepared for and dedicated to the writing and it will help make your writing productive.
However, using writing and text editor softwares like Write! App, Bear, The Right Margin that provide users with all-embracing writing environment to conveniently write anything in the simplest possible way, with zero distraction, is the best way to achieve productivity.
If what you crave for in your writing is productivity, take every measure possible against the slightest distraction, and Pay particular attention to those thoughts which are critical, demoralizing and essential.
When you notice negative thoughts invading, "STOP!" and consciously replace distorted messages with positive thoughts.
Ensure that your ideas are relevant to the subject, and have been well organized in a logical and sequential pattern to achieve your intended purpose.
After writing, make every necessary effort to proofread before publishing.
Monitor your work and observe the success it has made and what more needs to be put in place.
When it is overworked, it is prone to malfunction.
After series of writing, you may need to grab a coffee, refresh yourself, lay on the chair, take a walk, etc.
You have to relax your body and mind, put your brain to few minutes rest.
Taking a short break in between writing enhances the brain to function, hence, actualizes the realization of your writing productivity.
Writing is a lot fun thing to do but, your invested time and energy can end up wasted if at the end your writing is unproductive.
Sometimes, people input their best effort and writing skill into practice, but at the end, it doesn’t come back home with good result, productivity.
- What could be the cause?
- Are there some important things left out?

Tip #1: Create a Writing Schedule
Let us start from here.Writing involves a series of steps which should be taken one at a time; it starts from deciding what to write, making outlines and then writing.
We are always eager to start writing and end it at a go.
That won’t make the best writing!Writing has to do with concentrating your inner attention and allowing the brain to select between the best available ideas, while your pen bleeds red.
An attempt to write a long write-up without a schedule as when to write and what to write, gives your writing a repulsive shape.
In order to enhance your writing productivity, create a routine time for writing. The best is to write daily.
Make a schedule for a minimal daily amount, a time-table will really help. Let it be short but regular. Be consistent with your writing, and strike balance between writing and other activities.
Tip #2: Organize your Day
Having series of engaging activities daily is inevitable.Waking up, going to work, car cleaning, doing laundry, attending meetings are the common activities that get us occupied.
Even with a well-structured schedule for writing, if our day is not properly organized, we will discover that we have done no writing.
It is mostly not possible to write after a long hectic day with a lot of strength-draining activities, it will only end up poorly.
Always consider writing as an activity, for it to be properly done, it has to be properly planned.
Plan your day in such a way that no one activity affects the other. Organize your daily activities giving equal considerations to the listed activities.
Stick to your writing and let nothing get you off it.

Tip #3: Organize a space for Reading
This tip is also very important thing to note. If you desire to have a good writing, productivity as its end product, organize a space that is comfortable, accessible and has absolutely zero distraction.Keep your writing space away from television and noise.
When you write in a noisy environment or public place, distraction will occur and will hinder the functioning of your creativity region.
The best place to write is a distraction-free environment.
Tip #4: Have Adequate Preparation
Writing is a task; a successful one requires high level of preparation.You preparation starts from being emotionally ready to write, concentrating your inner attention to focus solely on the writing.
In your preparation, you need to get all needed and necessary materials ready so that you will have an absolute concentration when the writing begins. Establish a consistent habit of writing daily.
This is difficult in the beginning.
If you are just staring at the monitor or page, and are having difficulty getting started, experiment with warming up with a brief period of free writing.
This could be 5 or 10 minutes of writing down anything that comes to mind without concern about the nature or quality of the content.
Tip #5: Do extensive Research Preparation
Irrespective of the subject you are writing on, a proper and extensive research will give an insight into writing productively.The importance of research in productive writing cannot be underestimated.
The first thing you need to know is understanding what exactly your writing is about, have a great interest in the topic, then a proper research like asking question about the topic, reading relevance materials, surfing through search engines for information that will narrow your focus.
Applying all these research strategies indicates that you are prepared for and dedicated to the writing and it will help make your writing productive.

Tip #6: Avoid Distractions
Writing should go on smoothly with external interference. It requires total attention; it is like establishing a communication link between your imaginative thought actions and your hand, interruption of any form is capable of taking you off key and disrupting our writing.However, using writing and text editor softwares like Write! App, Bear, The Right Margin that provide users with all-embracing writing environment to conveniently write anything in the simplest possible way, with zero distraction, is the best way to achieve productivity.
If what you crave for in your writing is productivity, take every measure possible against the slightest distraction, and Pay particular attention to those thoughts which are critical, demoralizing and essential.
When you notice negative thoughts invading, "STOP!" and consciously replace distorted messages with positive thoughts.
Tip #7: Keep Track of your Work
Keeping track of your work goes a long way to make it productive. Monitor you work from the beginning of writing to the last stage, until it gets to your readers.Ensure that your ideas are relevant to the subject, and have been well organized in a logical and sequential pattern to achieve your intended purpose.
After writing, make every necessary effort to proofread before publishing.
Monitor your work and observe the success it has made and what more needs to be put in place.

Tip #8: Take a Break
The brain functions more like a machine.When it is overworked, it is prone to malfunction.
After series of writing, you may need to grab a coffee, refresh yourself, lay on the chair, take a walk, etc.
You have to relax your body and mind, put your brain to few minutes rest.
Taking a short break in between writing enhances the brain to function, hence, actualizes the realization of your writing productivity.
Guest contribution by: David Jameson a passionate writer and an avid blogger. He likes to help people to become more successful and productive writers through his blog about writing on Medium.
David’s motto is “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect“.
David’s motto is “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect“.